Empower your writing and bring your research story to life!

Engage professional editors from your field to improve the quality of your manuscript.

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Every document you submit to us for editing is worked on by two qualified and professional editors to produce a clear, concise, and consistent document ready for its intended purpose.


Choose your document type below for more information.



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Why choose AsiaEdit?

Our editors are all highly educated, mostly to the postgraduate level at top-ranking research universities, and many have their own successful publication histories. We match papers to editors with field expertise to deliver maximum impact.

  • Quoting by Need, not Numbers
  • Big Team yet Personal Attention
  • Traditional but Effective Paper Matching
  • Your Deadline, Our Commitment

Happy Clients

  • AsiaEdit is generally meticulous and dutiful. Their editors are kind and helpful, not only correcting mistakes in a script but also identifying and anticipating possible problems. Being a non-native English writer I am satisfied with the service so far.

    Dr Ertai Chiu

    Lingnan University
  • I found AsiaEdit through an internet search. At the time I had just received feedback of minor revision for our manuscript from a journal editor. The key request was for language polishing and the editor gave us two weeks for the revision. After comparing several language editing companies, we decided to gav...

    Dr Yong Zhang

    Jilin University
  • The approachable people at AsiaEdit always respond to me quickly, assist with style guideline formatting and complete work on time. I’m happy to recommend their service.

    Professor Xiaosui Xiao

    Hong Kong Baptist University
  • A convenient and reliable editing service for academic manuscript editing. It’s my pleasure to recommend AsiaEdit service to my colleagues.

    Mr Chi Wo Lee

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Most importantly the quality of the editing is high, but added to that AsiaEdit responds to queries quickly and completes work on time. Finally, the team is friendly and tries hard to accommodate special requests.

    Ms Albee Chen

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • I was recommended by one of my colleagues who had several successful experiences with your trustworthy team. I think your work is very professional and efficient. Communication is fluent and timely, which impresses me and results in a good user experience.

    Dr Yanting Guo

    Zhejiang University
  • The most important thing about your service is the higher editing quality, compared with other vendors I have used. I also really appreciate the regular email updates as my paper is processed. The reasonable cost should also be mentioned.

    Dr Xinzheng Shi

    Tsinghua University
  • The AsiaEdit team react quickly to my enquires and provide good quality editing. Their cost is reasonable and they accept payments directly from my University, which simplifies things for me.

    Professor Shiva Shivakumar

    London Business School
  • Quickly dealing with enquires every day of the week and email updates as my work progresses through your editing process.Great communication!

    Ms Ruth Chau

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • When you want to find a professional editing company, AsiaEdit is a good choice. As a graduate student majoring in Civil Engineering, I have cooperated with AsiaEdit more than four times. The company has helped me to modify my research papers and I think it is reliable to say that AsiaEdit is an excellent ed...

    Mr Xingquan Guan

    Huazhong University of Science and Technology
  • AsiaEdit service is fast, reliable and professional. I can always get my English-language manuscript proofread and polished without worry.

    Ms Rosa Sung

    The University of Hong Kong

Dr Ertai Chiu

AsiaEdit is generally meticulous and dutiful. Their editors are kind and helpful, not only correcting mistakes in a script but also identifying and anticipating possible problems. Being a non-native English writer I am satisfied with the service so far.

Dr Yong Zhang

I found AsiaEdit through an internet search. At the time I had just received feedback of minor revision for our manuscript from a journal editor. The key request was for language polishing and the editor gave us two weeks for the revision. After comparing several language editing companies, we decided to gave AsiaEdit a try due to their reasonable price and fast turnaround time. It turned out that we were very satisfied with the quality of the service and the manuscript was successfully accepted for publication. AsiaEdit staff are enthusiastic and they follow a professional working procedure. More importantly, each manuscript will usually be worked on by one experienced editor and then checked by another senior member of staff. For this reason, I have strongly recommended AsiaEdit to my colleagues.

Professor Xiaosui Xiao

The approachable people at AsiaEdit always respond to me quickly, assist with style guideline formatting and complete work on time. I'm happy to recommend their service.

Mr Chi Wo Lee

A convenient and reliable editing service for academic manuscript editing. It’s my pleasure to recommend AsiaEdit service to my colleagues.

Ms Albee Chen

Most importantly the quality of the editing is high, but added to that AsiaEdit responds to queries quickly and completes work on time. Finally, the team is friendly and tries hard to accommodate special requests.

Dr Yanting Guo

I was recommended by one of my colleagues who had several successful experiences with your trustworthy team. I think your work is very professional and efficient. Communication is fluent and timely, which impresses me and results in a good user experience.

Dr Xinzheng Shi

The most important thing about your service is the higher editing quality, compared with other vendors I have used. I also really appreciate the regular email updates as my paper is processed. The reasonable cost should also be mentioned.

Professor Shiva Shivakumar

The AsiaEdit team react quickly to my enquires and provide good quality editing. Their cost is reasonable and they accept payments directly from my University, which simplifies things for me.

Ms Ruth Chau

Quickly dealing with enquires every day of the week and email updates as my work progresses through your editing process.Great communication!

Mr Xingquan Guan

When you want to find a professional editing company, AsiaEdit is a good choice. As a graduate student majoring in Civil Engineering, I have cooperated with AsiaEdit more than four times. The company has helped me to modify my research papers and I think it is reliable to say that AsiaEdit is an excellent editing company. The company retains a high-class language editing team; when my paper has been revised by them, I feel that the quality improves. Their writing style always meets academic writing standards. Actually, I have already published several papers in world-class international journals and all of these papers were refined by AsiaEdit. Moreover, the company's customer service is very friendly and convenient. Every time I have a question to inquire of them, they always give me a response within one working day. The company also possesses staff who can speak Mandarin, which is very important for me because sometimes I cannot express my request clearly in English. In this situation, I can talk with them in Chinese and tell them exactly what I am thinking. Overall, I believe AsiaEdit is a truly excellent editing company and I hope more people would find out about this company.

Ms Rosa Sung

AsiaEdit service is fast, reliable and professional. I can always get my English-language manuscript proofread and polished without worry.


Trusted by leading
Asian universities
and academics

We are East Asia's leading academic editing partner. Established in 1996 and headquartered in Hong Kong, we have strong connections with academics and renowned faculty in the region, built by delivering quality work on time for more than 25 years. Our editors are all well-versed in and understand the needs of multilingual authors in Asia.



    Our editors and writers are members of various professional organisations. Apart from being a marker of quality and professionalism, these affiliations and memberships help our team members maintain and improve their skills, network with their peers, and keep abreast of new standards, issues, and technologies.




    Success Stories

    Over the last 25 years we have helped thousands of authors from hundreds of universities publish their work in international journals, as well as editing, copywriting and translating administrative and promotional materials for university departments.

    Scroll to view a small selection below, or click through to browse a more extensive library of such success stories.


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    US$20 OFF

    All new clients are awarded a discount of US$20 on their first order with us. Part-time and full-time students can enjoy discounts of up to 20% on thesis and dissertation editing.


    Payment methods

    We currently accept payment by cash, cheque, bank transfer, credit card, PayPal, WeChat Pay and Alipay. We can also deal with your university finance office directly if you pass on our invoice.

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    • 100% Confidentiality

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