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관련 분야의 전문 에디터를 고용하여 글의 품질을 향상시키십시오.

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편집을 위해 제출한 모든 문서는 자격을 갖춘 두 명의 전문 편집자가 작업하여 의도한 목적에 맞는 명확하고 간결하며 일관된 문서를 제공합니다.


자세한 내용을 보려면 아래에서 문서 유형을 선택하십시오.



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    회사 소개

    AsiaEdit을 선택해야 하는 이유는 무엇인가요?

    우리 편집자들은 대부분 일류 연구 대학에서 대학원 수준의 교육을 받았으며 일부는 성공적으로 출판을 한 이력을 가지고 있습니다. 우리는 최선의 도움을 제공하기 위해 분야별 전문 지식을 갖춘 편집자에게 논문을 전달합니다.

    • 글자 수가 아닌 필요에 따라 책정되는 금액
    • 팀 규모가 크지만 개인적인 집중 제공
    • 전통적이고 효과적인 페이퍼 매칭
    • 마감일 철저히 준수

    • The AsiaEdit team react quickly to my enquires and provide good quality editing. Their cost is reasonable and they accept payments directly from my University, which simplifies things for me.

      Professor Shiva Shivakumar

      London Business School
    • AsiaEdit have edited about 10 articles of mine. Their service is professional, with a standardised process to ensure the quality of the manuscript, as well as flexible options in terms of time to complete the work.

      Professor Lijun Ma

      Shenzhen University
    • The standard of your editing is very good and you offer flexible payment options. On top of that I appreciate your prompt communication throughout the editing process.

      Mr Tao He

      Sun Yat-Sen University
    • Your communication is excellent, whether it’s responding to queries 7 days a week, the emails I receive for peace of mind as my project is processed or the answers I get to any questions. Work is also completed on time. Keep up with the good service!

      Professor Zach Lee

      Nottingham University Business School China
    • Responsive and fantastic turnaround times. We have managed to publish our papers in international journals with the help of AsiaEdit, and we are confident that there will be more in the future. Highly recommended.

      Mr Stanley Lam

      The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    • As my mother language is not English, I was unsure whether my papers would be fully understood by foreign editors and reviewers. Then my friend introduced AsiaEdit to me and I have now used their paper editing service twice. I estimated the total fee in the AsiaEdit website and talked with them about the pro...

      Dr Michael Zhang

      University of Kentucky
    • I am pleased to have a partner to assist in the publishing process that is able to follow journal style guidelines, returns my work on schedule and even provides an editing certificate free of charge.

      Dr Jiabao Liang

      Southern Medical University
    • The quality of editing is of course most important and AsiaEdit do not disappoint in this regard. But in support of that they offer flexible return options and payment methods and I can rely on them to stick to agreed deadlines.

      Dr Yi-Ju Chou

      National Taiwan University
    • My experience with AsiaEdit is that the editing speed is super fast. I can tell sometimes that editors work over weekends, which is very impressive. Editors are also capable of meeting various demands.

      Dr Jiangnan Zhu

      The University of Hong Kong
    • I have been using AsiaEdit for just under a year, but they have already helped me to edit two manuscripts that have successfully been published in Calcified Tissue International and Musculoskeletal Research. Their work is of high quality and efficient and I am happy to recommend them to my colleagues.

      Professor Gang Li

      The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • AsiaEdit offer quality work, completed to schedule and at a reasonable cost. They are reliable and respond to enquires 7 days a week. On top of that I can earn discount coupons for referring colleagues and when it comes to payment I just pass the invoice to my University to settle for me. I am happy to recom...

      Dr Rainbow Ho

      The University of Hong Kong

    Professor Shiva Shivakumar

    The AsiaEdit team react quickly to my enquires and provide good quality editing. Their cost is reasonable and they accept payments directly from my University, which simplifies things for me.

    Professor Lijun Ma

    AsiaEdit have edited about 10 articles of mine. Their service is professional, with a standardised process to ensure the quality of the manuscript, as well as flexible options in terms of time to complete the work.

    Mr Tao He

    The standard of your editing is very good and you offer flexible payment options. On top of that I appreciate your prompt communication throughout the editing process.

    Professor Zach Lee

    Your communication is excellent, whether it's responding to queries 7 days a week, the emails I receive for peace of mind as my project is processed or the answers I get to any questions. Work is also completed on time. Keep up with the good service!

    Mr Stanley Lam

    Responsive and fantastic turnaround times. We have managed to publish our papers in international journals with the help of AsiaEdit, and we are confident that there will be more in the future. Highly recommended.

    Dr Michael Zhang

    As my mother language is not English, I was unsure whether my papers would be fully understood by foreign editors and reviewers. Then my friend introduced AsiaEdit to me and I have now used their paper editing service twice. I estimated the total fee in the AsiaEdit website and talked with them about the process, the return time and the fee. I paid the fee through ATM, which was very convenient for me, and received my edited paper back in five days. I was excited because I found the language of my paper vivid and as if it had been written by a person whose mother language is English. Now one of my papers will be published by an English journal and anther paper is still in the process of revision. I believe I will ask AsiaEdit for help for my next English paper for the high quality editing. By the way, you can Use Wechat and QQ to communicate with them and pay with Wechat Wallet. I firmly believe that AsiaEdit will be your best friend in your academic life.

    Dr Jiabao Liang

    I am pleased to have a partner to assist in the publishing process that is able to follow journal style guidelines, returns my work on schedule and even provides an editing certificate free of charge.

    Dr Yi-Ju Chou

    The quality of editing is of course most important and AsiaEdit do not disappoint in this regard. But in support of that they offer flexible return options and payment methods and I can rely on them to stick to agreed deadlines.

    Dr Jiangnan Zhu

    My experience with AsiaEdit is that the editing speed is super fast. I can tell sometimes that editors work over weekends, which is very impressive. Editors are also capable of meeting various demands.

    Professor Gang Li

    I have been using AsiaEdit for just under a year, but they have already helped me to edit two manuscripts that have successfully been published in Calcified Tissue International and Musculoskeletal Research. Their work is of high quality and efficient and I am happy to recommend them to my colleagues.

    Dr Rainbow Ho

    AsiaEdit offer quality work, completed to schedule and at a reasonable cost. They are reliable and respond to enquires 7 days a week. On top of that I can earn discount coupons for referring colleagues and when it comes to payment I just pass the invoice to my University to settle for me. I am happy to recommend their services.


    아시아 최고의 대학 및 학계의 신뢰

    우리는 동아시아 내의 최고의 학술 편집 파트너입니다. 1996년에 설립되어 홍콩에 본사를 두고 있는 당사는 25년 이상 동안 양질의 서비스를 적시에 제공함으로써 동아시아 지역의 학계 및 저명한 교수진과 긴밀한 관계를 유지하고 있습니다. 당사의 편집자들은 모두 아시아에 있는 다국어 저자들의 요구를 잘 이해하고 있습니다.



      우리 편집자와 작가는 다양한 전문 조직의 구성원입니다. 이러한 소속 및 멤버십은 작업 품질 및 전문성의 지표가 되는 것 외에도 우리 팀 구성원이 본인의 능력을 유지 및 개선하고 동료와 네트워크를 형성하며 학계의 새로운 표준, 문제 및 기술을 따라갈 수 있도록 합니다.




      성공 사례

      지난 25년 동안 우리는 수백 개 대학에 위치한 수천 명의 저자가 국제 저널에 자신의 작업을 출판하는 것을 돕고 대학의 다양한 부서를 위한 행정 및 홍보 자료의 편집, 카피라이팅 및 번역을 도왔습니다.


      스크롤 하여 아래의 몇 가지 예시를 확인하거나 클릭하여 다양한 성공 사례를 포함한 라이브러리를 탐색하실 수 있습니다.



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      모든 신규 고객은 첫 주문 시 USD $20 할인을 받습니다. 파트 타임 및 풀 타임 학생은 논문 편집을 위해 최대 20% 할인을 받을 수 있습니다.

      보안 및 기밀

      지불 방법

      현재 현금, 수표, 은행 송금, 신용 카드, PayPal, WeChat Pay 및 Alipay로 결제하실 수 있습니다. 당사의 청구서를 대학 재정 사무소에 전달하여 학교를 통해 결제할 수도 있습니다.

      • 안전한 결제

        여러 보안 결제 방법 중 하나를 선택하세요.

      • 100% 기밀 유지

        모든 세부 정보와 연구는 기밀로 유지되며
        제3자와 절대 공유되지 않습니다.

      • 빠르고 간편한 결제

        간편한 결제를 위한 편리한 온라인 옵션을