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Publication Successes

Browse and use the filters below to see a sample of the journal paper publication successes in which we are happy to have contributed.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine Blockade of the mTOR signaling pathway with rapamycin ameliorates aristolochic acid nephropathy Ms. Lin Fan China 25/2/2020
Sciences, Life Food & Function Bifidobacterium adolescentis and Lactobacillus rhamnosus alleviate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease induced by a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet through modulation of different gut microbiota-dependent pathways† Dr. Gang Wang China 25/5/2020
Sciences, Life Food & Function Screening of Lactobacillus salivarius strains from the feces of Chinese populations and the evaluation of their effects against intestinal inflammation in mice Dr. Qixiao Zhai China 4/1/2020
Sciences, Life Food Microbiology Metagenomic analysis reveals the impact of JIUYAO microbial diversity on fermentation and the volatile profile of Shaoxing-jiu Dr Chen Chen China 17/9/2019
Sciences, Life Frontiers in Immunology The Antidiabetic and Antinephritic Activities of Auricularia cornea (An Albino Mutant Strain) via Modulation of Oxidative Stress in the db/db Mice Ms Xue Jiang China 8/5/2019
Sciences, Medical Experimental Biology and Medicine ResolvinD1 attenuates high-mobility group box 1-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells Dr Pingli Yang China 1/11/2019
Sciences, Life Food & Function Identification of the key physiological characteristics of Lactobacillus plantarum strains for ulcerative colitis alleviation Dr. Qixiao Zhai China 17/1/2020
Sciences, Life Food & Nutrition Research Bile salt hydrolase-overexpressing Lactobacillus strains can improve hepatic lipid accumulation in vitro in an NAFLD cell model Dr. Guangqiang Wang China 11/12/2020
Sciences, Life Food Microbiology Microbial community dynamics of Dan'er barley grain during the industrial malting process Ms Xiaomin Li China 4/5/2018
Sciences, Medical Frontiers in Immunology  T Cells in Osteoarthritis: Alterations and Beyond Dr Yu-sheng Li China 30/3/2017
Sciences, Medical Experimental Biology and Medicine Synergistic antibacterial effects of herbal extracts and antibiotics on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A computational and experimental study Professor Pedro Fong Macau 24/1/2017
Sciences, Life Food & Function Cholesterol-lowering potentials of Lactobacillus strain overexpression of bile salt hydrolase on high cholesterol diet-induced hypercholesterolemic mice Dr Guangqiang Wang China 21/2/2019
Sciences, Life Food and Agricultural Immunology Magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate positively affects concanavalin A-induced liver damage by regulating macrophage polarization Dr Rui Lin China 12/10/2018
Sciences, Life Food Microbiology Screening of adjunct cultures and their application in ester formation in Camembert-type cheese Dr Wei Chen   China 19/8/2017
Sciences, Life Frontiers in Microbiology The Role of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenases in NADPH Supply in the Oleaginous Filamentous Fungus Mortierella alpina Dr. Haiqin Chen China 28/4/2020
Sciences, Medical BMC Health Services Research Intention to initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV in China under the scaling-up of ART: the role of healthcare workers’ recommendations Mr Qiangsheng He China 16/5/2019
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Pharmacology The brain-penetrating, orally bioavailable, ghrelin receptor agonist HM01 ameliorates motion-induced emesis in Suncus murinus (house musk shrew) Professor John Rudd Hong Kong 13/11/2019
Sciences, Life Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Regulation of class V myosin Dr Xiang-dong Li   China 20/7/2017
Sciences, Medical Collegian Nursing students’ experiences of mental health first aid training: A qualitative descriptive study Dr Stanley Lam Hong Kong 8/3/2019
Sciences, Life Developmental Biology MGL-1 on AIY neurons translates starvation to reproductive plasticity via neuropeptide signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans Professor Young-Ki Paik  South Korea 12/8/2017