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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical Cancer Letters High-affinity human programmed death-1 ligand-1 variant promotes redirected T cells to kill tumor cells Ms. Yifeng Bao  China 21/1/2019
Sciences, Medical Cancer Biomarkers Prognostic potential of the preoperative plasma complement factor B in resected pancreatic cancer: A pilot study Professor Young-Ki Paik Korea 3/4/2019
Sciences, Medical Current Developmental Disorders Reports Neuromuscular Processes in the Control of Posture in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Current Evidence and Future Research Directions Dr Shirley Fong Hong Kong 18/1/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Health Services Research Influences on the access to and use of formal community care by people with dementia and their informal caregivers: a scoping review Ms Anja Bieber    Germany 1/2/2019
Sciences, Life Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Regulation of class V myosin Dr Xiang-dong Li   China 20/7/2017
Sciences, Life Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology Direct and indirect effects of microplastics on bivalves, with a focus on edible species: A mini-review Dr. Ka Yan Man Hong Kong 17/12/2019
Sciences, Medical Cell Calcium Use of a microelectrode array to record extracellular pacemaker potentials from the gastrointestinal tracts of the ICR mouse and house musk shrew (Suncus murinus) Professor John Rudd Hong Kong 9/5/2019
Sciences, Medical Chinese Medical Journal Natural History of Seroma Following the Immediate Latissimus Dorsi Flap Method of Breast Reconstruction Dr Wenhui Yan    China 20/7/2018
Sciences, Medical Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine Effect of Essential Oil on Patients with Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial Dr Haiyong Chen Hong Kong 8/6/2018
Sciences, Medical Current Pharmaceutical Analysis Simultaneous Determination of 17 Constituents of Chinese Wild Radix Salvia miltiorrhiza from Different Geographical Areas by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Dr Xiaodan Zhang China 14/11/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine Study protocol on comparative effectiveness of mindfulness meditation and qigong on psychophysiological outcomes for patients with colorectal cancer: a randomized controlled trial Mr Adrian Wan Hong Kong 8/8/2017
Sciences, Life Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Hypoxia on Infarcted Myocardium: Better or Worse? Dr Yun-Han Jiang China 22/11/2018
Sciences, Life Current Protein & Peptide Science MicroRNA Determines the Fate of Intestinal Epithelial Cell Differentiation and Regulates Intestinal Diseases Dr Gang Liu China 1/1/2019
Sciences, Medical Childhood Obesity Prospective Associations between Weekend Catch-Up Sleep, Physical Activity, and Childhood Obesity Dr Wendy Huang    Hong Kong 2/1/2019
Sciences, Medical Chinese Medicine Brain connectomic associations with traditional Chinese medicine diagnostic classification of major depressive disorder: a diffusion tensor imaging study Professor Zhang-Jin Zhang  Hong Kong 11/4/2019
Sciences, Medical Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine Analgesic Effect of Sinew Acupuncture for Patients with Soft-Tissue Injuries: A Pilot Trial Dr Haiyong Chen Hong Kong 18/1/2019
Sciences, Medical Current Pharmaceutical Design Effects of Bioactive Peptide on Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Focus on Signal Transduction and Intestinal Microbiota Ms Sujuan Ding China 14/11/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine The effectiveness of long-needle acupuncture at acupoints BL30 and BL35 for CP/CPPS: a randomized controlled pilot study Dr Haiyong Chen Hong Kong 12/5/2017
Sciences, Life Chemico-Biological Interactions Indolyl-chalcone derivatives induce hepatocellular carcinoma cells apoptosis through oxidative stress related mitochondrial pathway in vitro and in vivo Professor Di Wang China 25/7/2018
Sciences, Life Cytotechnology Analysis of toxicity effects of Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure on human bronchial epithelial 16HBE cells Professor Yuebin Ke China 8/7/2017

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