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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-醫療 BMJ Open Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a virtual multidisciplinary stroke care clinic for community-dwelling stroke survivors and caregivers: a randomised controlled trial protocol Professor Janita Chau   Hong Kong 10/5/2019
科學-醫療 Digestive Surgery Laparoscopic Hepatectomy (with or without Robotic Assistance) versus Radiofrequency Ablation as a Minimally Invasive Treatment for Very Early-Stage or Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Dr Ching Ning Chong Hong Kong 27/3/2019
科學 -生命 Cell Death & Differentiation p73 coordinates with Δ133p53 to promote DNA double-strand break repair Dr Jun Chen China 6/3/2018
科學 -生命 Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology Direct and indirect effects of microplastics on bivalves, with a focus on edible species: A mini-review Dr. Ka Yan Man Hong Kong 17/12/2019
科學 -生命 Environmental Pollution Triphenyl phosphate modulated saturation of phospholipids: Induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation☆ Mr. Wenxin Hu China 1/4/2020
科學-醫療 Cancers Interplay of Viral Infection, Host Cell Factors and Tumor Microenvironment in the Pathogenesis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Dr Anna Tsang Hong Kong 4/4/2018
科學-醫療 BMJ Open Acupuncture for stable angina pectoris: a systematic review protocol Dr Mingxiao Yang Hong Kong 4/4/2018
科學-醫療 Disease Markers Decreased Helios Expression in Regulatory T Cells in Acute Coronary Syndrome Dr Lili Jiang China 12/11/2017
科學 -生命 British Food Journal Passive body touch and perceived intensity of spice: softer means spicier Professor Zhi Yang China 3/4/2018
科學 -生命 Cryobiology Potent humanin analogue (HNG) protects human sperm from freeze-thaw-induced damage Dr Zhaolin Liao China 6/4/2019
科學 -生命 Environmental Pollution Could benthic biofilm analyses be used as a reliable proxy for freshwater environmental health? Dr Olivier Habimana Hong Kong 24/5/2019
科學-醫療 Current Pharmaceutical Design Zein-Based Nanofibres for Drug Delivery: Classes and Current Applications Dr Yong Zhang China 1/12/2015
科學-醫療 Epidemiology & Infection Probable transmission routes of the influenza virus in a nosocomial outbreak Ms Vicky Xiao Hong Kong 6/5/2018
科學-醫療 Cancer Research O-GlcNAcylation of the Tumor Suppressor FOXO3 Triggers Aberrant Cancer Cell Growth Professor Young-Ki Paik    South Korea 1/3/2018
科學-醫療 Bone Higher dietary carotenoid intake associated with lower risk of hip fracture in middle-aged and elderly Chinese: A matched case-control study Professor Yuming Chen China 29/3/2018
科學-醫療 Drug Delivery  Borneol, a novel agent that improves central nervous system drug delivery by enhancing blood–brain barrier permeability Professor Zhang-Jin Zhang    Hong Kong 7/7/2017
科學 -生命 BMC Bioinformatics SGFSC: speeding the gene functional similarity calculation based on hash tables Mr Zhen Tian China 4/11/2016
科學 -生命 Contraception Antifertility effectiveness of a novel polymer matrix composite and its influence on the endometrium in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) Dr Shifu Hu China 10/4/2019
科學 -生命 BMC Veterinary Research Characteristics of extended-spectrum β-lactamase–producing Escherichia coli isolated from fecal samples of piglets with diarrhea in central and southern Taiwan in 2015 Dr Kuang-Sheng Yeh Taiwan 1/3/2017
科學-醫療 Current Pharmaceutical Design Hyperuricemia and Cardiovascular Disease Dr Dandan Zhang China 12/6/2019

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