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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Social International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Governmentality and Spatial Strategies: Towards Formalization of Street Vendors in Guangzhou, China Dr Gengzhi Huang China 1/7/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Sciences College students’ perceptions of food fraud in Macau Dr Libo Yan Macau 24/5/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research Chinese venturers to Pacific Small Island Developing States: Travel and lifestyle Dr Chloe Lau Hong Kong 20/6/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research Community social responsibility and the performance of small tourism enterprises: Moderating effects of entrepreneurs' demographics Dr Caiping Wang China 20/5/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research Motivations of tourism‐induced mobility: Tourism development and the pursuit of the Chinese dream Dr Eric Chan Hong Kong 23/7/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research Institutional ownership and return volatility in the casino industry Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 13/12/2017
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research The value of P2PA to travelers: Evidence from the Hong Kong market Dr Chloe Lau Hong Kong 7/10/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Tourism Research An integrative framework for collaborative forecasting in tourism supply chains Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 28/11/2017
Psychology International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology Further examination of the psychometric properties of the Brief Self-Control Scale: evidence from Chinese athletes and students Mr Wei Liang Hong Kong 30/9/2020
Sciences, Social International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction Collective Play Versus Excessive Use: an Insight into Family-Focused Design Intervention for Mobile Phone Overuse Dr Benny Leong Hong Kong 8/10/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology The Effects of Mental Health and Substance Abuse/Dependence Disorders on Prison Misconduct Among Male Inmates in Taiwan Dr Connie Kuo Macau 30/12/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Media and Information Literacy Assessing Network Media Literacy in China: the Development and Validation of a Comprehensive Assessment Instrument Dr C.K. Cheung Hong Kong 12/5/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Language and Linguistics Using Reading to Learn Pedagogy to Improve Chinese Writing among Ethnic Minority Students in Hong Kong: A Quasi-experimental Study Dr Xianhan Huang Hong Kong 28/8/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Intercultural Relations A meaning-making model of post-migration growth for mainland Chinese university students in Hong Kong Dr Jiayan Pan Hong Kong 18/12/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Interpretation and Translation Paraphrasing exercises and training for Chinese to English consecutive interpreting Professor Andrew Cheung Hong Kong 8/9/2016
Sciences, Social International Journal of Information Management Information avoidance behavior on social network sites: Information irrelevance, overload, and the moderating role of time pressure Dr. Chaoyou Wang China 16/1/2020
Sciences, Social International Journal of Hospitality Management Development and validation of a multidimensional tourist’s local food consumption value (TLFCV) scale Professor Sam Kim Hong Kong 13/8/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Intercultural Relations Interventions to promote learners’ intercultural competence: A meta-analysis Dr Mingming Zhou Macau 5/11/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Hospitality Management Review of reviews: A systematic analysis of review papers in the hospitality and tourism literature Dr Peter Kim   Hong Kong 17/11/2017
Sciences, Social International Journal of Hospitality Management Price determinants of sharing economy based accommodation rental: A study of listings from 33 cities on Airbnb.com Dr Dan Wang Hong Kong 18/1/2017

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