Audience-Appropriate Results

When editing administrative and promotional material, we focus on ensuring that your core message is conveyed in the right tone using expressions appropriate for the intended readership. Whether working on student testimonials, CVs, reports of important faculty events, detailed programme descriptions or brief website summaries, our editors understand that relevance is the key to effective communication.


Audience-Appropriate Results

When editing administrative and promotional material, we focus on ensuring that your core message is conveyed in the right tone using expressions appropriate for the intended readership. Whether working on student testimonials, CVs, reports of important faculty events, detailed programme descriptions or brief website summaries, our editors understand that relevance is the key to effective communication.

  • 1900

    Papers Edited


  • 200


    supported in 20 countries.

  • 500+

    Authors Served


  • 700+

    Editing hours



Promotional & Administrative

  • 100% Confidentiality

    We guarantee the absolute confidentiality of your manuscript to protect your intellectual property, copyright and privacy. We sign confidentiality agreements on request.

  • Flexible Return

    We schedule and commence editing work 362 days a year, and offer a number of return options to suit all schedules, with papers of up to 8,000 words edited overnight when necessary.

  • Quality Guarantee

    We guarantee that if a manuscript remains unaltered after our editing, but is rejected by a journal on English language grounds alone, we will provide a re-edit free of charge.

Newsletter Editing for Lingnan University Since 2012

Category: Promotional & Administrative

As a major publication featuring Lingnan University’s efforts in international education, Lingnan Link is a key way in which the University promotes the global reach of its liberal arts educationa...

Writing & Interviewing for PolyU Magazine “Horizons”

Category: Promotional & Administrative

In 2006, the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University wanted a change of direction for its bi-yearly magazine, Horizons. AsiaEdit was tasked with writing the ...

Promotional Brochure Editing for CityU

Category: Promotional & Administrative

As an emerging unit spanning two rapidly changing fields, the Department of Biology and Chemistry at the City University of Hong Kong realised the need for a promotional brochure. AsiaEdit was cal...

Writing Professor Biographies & Video Scripts for HKU

Category: Promotional & Administrative

In 2019, AsiaEdit was given the delicate task of writing biographies and corresponding video scripts for nine eminent scholars about to take on Named Professorships at a Hong Kong university. These...

Prospectus Editing for PolyU Since 2003

Category: Promotional & Administrative

For almost 20 years, AsiaEdit has ensured that students at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have access to clear and concise information in their prospectuses. Starting with the final hardcopy...


Happy Clients

  • My experience with AsiaEdit is that the editing speed is super fast. I can tell sometimes that editors work over weekends, which is very impressive. Editors are also capable of meeting various demands.

    Dr Jiangnan Zhu

    The University of Hong Kong
  • The team at AsiaEdit handled the line editing for my book manuscript with professionalism, an eye for detail, and a customer-first mentality. Somehow, someway, the folks at AsiaEdit find a way to deliver.

    Mr Jason Fung

    Hong Kong
  • I have been a long-term user of AsiaEdit services. To succinctly summarise my experience with them, I think the best way to put it is: I am always happy with their editing quality and I am always happy to refer their services.

    Professor Vincent Lai

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • I have used AsiaEdit for four years. Following their excellent work my papers are ready for publication. I’d like to thank them very much!

    Dr Yuqin Huang

    Central University of Finance and Economics
  • I have worked with AsiaEdit for 3 years and in that time have processed over 70 pieces of work with them including much of my teaching materials. With a busy work schedule it’s great to have a second pair of eyes to suggest improvements and pick up typos and they also offer an express service when time...

    Dr Isabel Hwang

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • The editors of AsiaEdit are professional; they can read the meaning behind the client’s words. After their precise editing, the document becomes more professionally stylish, which leads you to success beyond your expectation.

    Ms Packy Lo

    Hong Kong
  • I appreciate AsiaEdit quality and also that their team seem to share in the joy of my success.

    Ms Gladys Lam

    Hong Kong Baptist University
  • The most important thing about your service is the higher editing quality, compared with other vendors I have used. I also really appreciate the regular email updates as my paper is processed. The reasonable cost should also be mentioned.

    Dr Xinzheng Shi

    Tsinghua University
  • I first used the editing service of AsiaEdit to polish an important grant proposal. Their excellent work significantly improved the language quality of our proposal which was subsequently funded. I then referred their service to my colleagues and friends. Their professional editing helps our manuscripts get ...

    Dr Harry He

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • It has been extremely easy to set up a working relationship with AsiaEdit. They are knowledgeable and efficient and they have also been very good at understanding my instructions. I am extremely satisfied with the quality and always receive very high quality feedback from the reviewers. Based on previous suc...

    Dr Chen Chen

    Jiangnan University
  • As a customer of your journal paper editing service for well over 10 years I’ve achieved significant publication success. Keep up the good work!

    Dr Paul Lam

    City University of Hong Kong

Dr Jiangnan Zhu

My experience with AsiaEdit is that the editing speed is super fast. I can tell sometimes that editors work over weekends, which is very impressive. Editors are also capable of meeting various demands.

Mr Jason Fung

The team at AsiaEdit handled the line editing for my book manuscript with professionalism, an eye for detail, and a customer-first mentality. Somehow, someway, the folks at AsiaEdit find a way to deliver.

Professor Vincent Lai

I have been a long-term user of AsiaEdit services. To succinctly summarise my experience with them, I think the best way to put it is: I am always happy with their editing quality and I am always happy to refer their services.

Dr Yuqin Huang

I have used AsiaEdit for four years. Following their excellent work my papers are ready for publication. I'd like to thank them very much!

Dr Isabel Hwang

I have worked with AsiaEdit for 3 years and in that time have processed over 70 pieces of work with them including much of my teaching materials. With a busy work schedule it's great to have a second pair of eyes to suggest improvements and pick up typos and they also offer an express service when time is tight.

Ms Packy Lo

The editors of AsiaEdit are professional; they can read the meaning behind the client's words. After their precise editing, the document becomes more professionally stylish, which leads you to success beyond your expectation.

Ms Gladys Lam

I appreciate AsiaEdit quality and also that their team seem to share in the joy of my success.

Dr Xinzheng Shi

The most important thing about your service is the higher editing quality, compared with other vendors I have used. I also really appreciate the regular email updates as my paper is processed. The reasonable cost should also be mentioned.

Dr Harry He

I first used the editing service of AsiaEdit to polish an important grant proposal. Their excellent work significantly improved the language quality of our proposal which was subsequently funded. I then referred their service to my colleagues and friends. Their professional editing helps our manuscripts get published successfully and we are all very satisfied with their service. In addition, they also hold very good educational webinars on manuscript writing, from which I benefit a lot.

Dr Chen Chen

It has been extremely easy to set up a working relationship with AsiaEdit. They are knowledgeable and efficient and they have also been very good at understanding my instructions. I am extremely satisfied with the quality and always receive very high quality feedback from the reviewers. Based on previous successful experiences with AsiaEdit, we encourage our students to use their language editing service before they submit their papers to a journal.

Dr Paul Lam

As a customer of your journal paper editing service for well over 10 years I've achieved significant publication success. Keep up the good work!


Cost Estimator

  • Editing
  • Translation

Editing Type

Standard Editing

Standard Editing includes a first editor reading through the document twice, after which a senior editor carries out a final check.

Premium Editing

After Standard Editing you respond to any comments that the editor has inserted, and add any of your own to ensure your meaning has been clearly understood. A Senior Editor then works through your document a final time.

Editor Report

Editor Report

A report outlining the key grammatical and stylistic areas of your writing that would benefit from improvement in the future.

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Mon-Fri,9 am-6 pm

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Mon-Fri,9 am-6 pm


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