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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing  Shopping destination competitiveness: scale development and validation Dr Jinsoo Lee   Hong Kong 30/5/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing Role Shifting Between Entrepreneur and Tourist: A Case Study on Dali and Lijiang, China Dr Honggang Xu China 4/3/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing How are food value video clips effective in promoting food tourism? Generation Y versus non–Generation Y Professor Sam Kim Hong Kong 5/9/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Transport Geography Hub-and-spoke network design for container shipping along the Yangtze River Dr Dong Yang Hong Kong 17/7/2016
Sciences, Social Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing Segmentation of potential film tourists by film nostalgia and preferred film tourism program Professor Sam Kim Hong Kong 15/2/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Transport Geography Exploring the impact of high speed railways on the spatial redistribution of economic activities - Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration as a case study Professor Bo Huang Hong Kong 11/6/2016
Sciences, Social Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change Place construction in the context of world heritage tourism: the case of ‘Kaiping Diaolou and Villages’ Mr Xueji Wang China 30/10/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Identification of the minimum non-inferior dose in a three-arm non-inferiority trial Dr. Siu Hung Cheung Hong Kong 18/2/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of the European Second Language Association Effects of task complexity on the oral production of Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language Dr Sara Santos Macau 31/8/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Sustainable Tourism The corporate philanthropy and legitimacy strategy of tourism firms: a community perspective Dr Caiping Wang China 23/4/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Sustainable Tourism Mobility dilemmas: conflict analysis of road constructions in a Tibetan tourism community in China Dr. Shiqin Zhang Hong Kong 16/9/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Sustainable Tourism Residents’ attitudes toward prostitution in Macau Dr Libo Yan Macau 21/6/2017
Sciences, Social Journal of Social Work Assessing attitudes towards evidence-based practice among social workers in Hong Kong Professor Minseop Kim   Hong Kong 22/6/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Sustainable Tourism Targeted poverty alleviation in China: segmenting small tourism entrepreneurs and effectively supporting them Dr Zengxian Liang China 12/11/2018
Sciences, Social Journal of Social Work Enhancing resilience in cross-boundary families: A parent–child parallel group intervention Ms He Bu Hong Kong 14/4/2020
Sciences, Social Journal of Service Theory and Practice What to say on social media and how: Effects of communication style and function on online customer engagement in China Professor Jintao Wu China 17/9/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of School Violence A Cross-National Examination of School Violence and Nonattendance Due to School Violence in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China: A Rasch Model Approach Professor Ji-Kang Chen Hong Kong 31/1/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Second Language Writing Effects of intertextual processing on L2 integrated writing Dr Choo Mui Cheong Hong Kong 4/10/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Rural Studies Proximity, embeddedness and evolution: The role of networks in the development of the informal female labour market for glove manufacturing in Gaozhou county, China Dr Huasheng Yuan China 25/3/2019
Sciences, Social Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Strategy Use in Oral Communication with Competent Synthesis and Complex Interaction Dr Choo Mui Cheong Hong Kong 6/4/2019

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