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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Social Public Choice “Mao’s last revolution”: a dictator’s loyalty–competence tradeoff Dr Ying Bai    Hong Kong 3/1/2019
Sciences, Social Public Administration Review Does Strategic Planning Improve Organizational Performance? A Meta‐Analysis Professor Richard Walker Hong Kong 15/10/2019
Sciences, Social Public Administration Review “Big Tigers, Big Data”: Learning Social Reactions to China's Anticorruption Campaign through Online Feedback Dr Jiangnan Zhu Hong Kong 24/10/2017
Sciences, Social Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature Co-opting the International Writing Program during the Cold War: Gu Cangwu, the Baodiao Movement, and Minjian Activism Mr James Shea Hong Kong 3/1/2020
Sciences, Social Population, Space and Place Evaluation of risk perception, knowledge, and preparedness of extreme storm events for the improvement of coastal resilience among migrants: A lesson from Hong Kong Dr. Timothy Sim Hong Kong 2/5/2020
Sciences, Social Population, Space and Place The influence of job accessibility on local residential segregation of ethnic minorities: A study of Hong Kong Professor Sylvia He Hong Kong 7/3/2020
Sciences, Social Popular Communication The articulation of anti-China-centrism in Sinophone Malaysian films Mr Chee Wah Kuan Hong Kong 12/10/2018
Sciences, Social Politics, Religion & Ideology Politics and Islamic Revivalism in Bangladesh: The Role of the State and Non-State/Non-Political Actors Dr Md Saidul Islam Singapore 7/5/2018
Sciences, Social Politics Welfare or politics? A survey experiment of political discontent and support for redistribution in Hong Kong Dr Mathew Wong Hong Kong 22/3/2019
Sciences, Social Political Studies Selecting Immigrants in an Unjust World Dr Kevin Ip Hong Kong 4/4/2019
Sciences, Social Political Research Quarterly Do People Trust the Government More? Unpacking the Distinct Impacts of Anticorruption Policies on Political Trust Dr Jiangnan Zhu Hong Kong 20/3/2020
Sciences, Social Political Science and Politics  Academic Censorship in China: The Case of The China Quarterly Dr Mathew Wong    Hong Kong 1/7/2019
Sciences, Social Policy Studies Journal China’s Policy Processes and the Advocacy Coalition Framework Professor Wei Li Hong Kong 20/10/2019
Sciences, Social Policy Studies Journal Advocacy Coalitions, Policy Stability, and Policy Change in China: The Case of Birth Control Policy, 1980–2015 Professor Wei Li Hong Kong 14/3/2019
Sciences, Social Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice Translators revising translators: a fruitful alliance Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta Hong Kong 25/10/2018
Sciences, Social Organization Science A Double-Edged Sword: Diversity Within Religion and Market Emergence Dr Shipeng Yan Hong Kong 3/12/2020
Sciences, Social North American Actuarial Journal Backcasting Mortality in England and Wales, 1600–1840 Professor Wai-Sum Chan Hong Kong 19/2/2021
Sciences, Social New Media & Society Ambivalence in networked intimacy: Observations from gay men using mobile dating apps Dr Lik Sam Chan  United States 21/8/2017
Sciences, Social Museum Management and Curatorship Children’s voices: what do young children say about museums in Hong Kong? Dr Kit Mei Wong Hong Kong 4/1/2019
Sciences, Social Natural Hazards Seismic damage to schools subjected to Nepal earthquakes, 2015 Dr Hao Chen China 18/4/2017

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