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Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Earth & Space JGR: Oceans Axial Wind Effects on Stratification and Longitudinal Sediment Transport in a Convergent Estuary During Wet Season Dr Wenping Gong China 17/1/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space JGR: Atmospheres Effects of Cryospheric Change on Alpine Hydrology: Combining a Model With Observations in the Upper Reaches of the Hei River, China Professor Rensheng Chen China 14/3/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space JGR: Oceans Development of upwelling on pathway and freshwater transport of Pearl River plume in northeastern South China Sea Dr Zhaoyun Chen  China 15/6/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space JGR: Atmospheres Simple Parameterization of Aerodynamic Roughness Lengths and the Turbulent Heat Fluxes at the Top of Midlatitude August‐One Glacier, Qilian Mountains, China Dr Shuhai Guo China 26/10/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space JGR: Atmospheres Momentum Drag Effect Over Urbanized Areas in the ACM2 PBL Component of the WRF model Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 4/8/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space JGR Atmospheres Radical budget and ozone chemistry during autumn in the atmosphere of an urban site in central China Dr Jimmy Fung   Hong Kong 3/8/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space JGR Atmospheres Spatiotemporal Variation in Presummer Precipitation Over South China From 1979 to 2015 and Its Relationship With Urbanization Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 18/6/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Semi-Automatic Extraction of The Threshold Segmentation of Coastline Based on Coastline Type Ms. Tan Yu China
Sciences, Earth & Space International Journal of Global Warming Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from industrial parks using criteria air pollutants: a case study of Taiwan Professor Ivy Chen    Taiwan 18/5/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space International Journal of Climatology Stone forest as a small‐scale field model for the study of urban climate Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 14/4/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Hydrology Research Actual daily evapotranspiration and crop coefficients for an alpine meadow in the Qilian Mountains, northwest China Mr Yong Yang China 29/7/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Hydrology Research Evaluation of five complementary relationship models for estimating actual evapotranspiration during soil freeze-thaw cycles Mr. Yong Yang China 25/2/2021
Sciences, Earth & Space Ground Water Impacts of Streambed Heterogeneity and Anisotropy on Residence Time of Hyporheic Zone Dr May Chui   Hong Kong 14/9/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Groundwater Empirical Equations to Predict the Characteristics of Hyporheic Exchange in a Pool‐Riffle Sequence Dr May Chui   Hong Kong 2/1/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions and energy recovery from planting street trees Dr Ivy Chen Taiwan 5/1/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Geoscience Letters High-resolution calculation of the urban vegetation fraction in the Pearl River Delta from the Sentinel-2 NDVI for urban climate model parameterization Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 3/3/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Geophysical Research Letters Finite‐fault slip model of the 2016 Mw 7.5 Chiloé earthquake, southern Chile, estimated from Sentinel‐1 data Dr Wenbin Xu    Hong Kong 5/3/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Geophysical Research Letters Preservation of Cyanobacterial UVR-Shielding Pigment Scytonemin in Carbonate Ooids Formed in Pleistocene Salt Lakes in the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau Dr. Yiliang Li Hong Kong 9/3/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Geomorphology Shoreline evolution in an embayed beach adjacent to tidal inlet: The impact of anthropogenic activities Dr Wenping Gong China 29/8/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Geological Journal Holocene climate change inferred from grain‐size analysis in the eastern Alashan Plateau, Inner Mongolia, Northern China Dr Shu-E Chen China 11/8/2017

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