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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Pollution Experimental and numerical study on underwater noise radiation from an underwater tunnel Xiaodong  Song  China 27/8/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Science & Technology Potential Link between Equol Pollution and Field-Observed Intersex in Wild So-iuy Mullets (Mugil soiuy) Wang  Chen  China 2/9/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Atmospheric Pollution Research Source apportionment of fine secondary inorganic aerosol over the Pearl River Delta region using a hybrid method Jimmy  Fung  Hong Kong 20/4/2021
Sciences, Earth & Space Chemosphere Effect of bromine and iodine chemistry on tropospheric ozone over Asia-Pacific using the CMAQ model Dr. Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 7/10/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space JGR: Planets An Improved Global Catalog of Lunar Impact Craters (≥1 km) With 3D Morphometric Information and Updates on Global Crater Analysis Dr. Bo Wu Hong Kong 8/11/2021
Sciences, Earth & Space IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing Mapping Microscale PM2.5 Distribution on Walkable Roads in a High-Density City Dr. Chengzhuo Tong Hong Kong 26/4/2021
Sciences, Earth & Space The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Integration of Aerial, MMS, and Backpack Images for Seamless 3D Mapping in Urban Areas Mrs. Zhaojin Li Hong Kong 8/12/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Applied Geography Population mapping in China with Tencent social user and remote sensing data Dr. Yong Xu China 28/4/2021
Sciences, Earth & Space Earthquake Spectra Seismic performance improvement of ±800 kV UHV DC wall busing using friction ring spring dampers Dr. Qiang Xie China 22/11/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Remote Sensing Precise Orbit Determination of the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) Using Onboard GPS and BDS Observations Ms. Yun Qing China 4/10/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Land Use Policy Mapping the emission of air pollution sources based on land-use classification: A case study of Shengzhou, China Dr. Yufan Chen China 10/3/2022
Sciences, Earth & Space Atmospheric Environment Exposure and mortality apportionment of PM2.5 between 2006 and 2015 over the Pearl River Delta region in southern China Dr. Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 23/4/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Sustainability Spatial Classification and Environmental Treatment Protocols of Solid Waste SourcesóA Case Study of Shengzhou, China Dr. Yufan Chen China 29/4/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Journal of Environmental Sciences Life-cycle assessment of two sewage sludge-to-energy systems based on different sewage sludge characteristics: Energy balance and greenhouse gas-emission footprint analysis Dr. Shi-Jie Yuan China 14/5/2021
Sciences, Earth & Space Journal of Mountain Science Phylogenetic patterns of shrub communities along the longitudinal and latitudinal gradients on the northeastern QinghaiñTibetan Plateau Mr. Yuanming Xiao China 22/5/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Environmental Pollution Sustainable and stepwise waste-based utilisation strategy for the production of biomass and biofuels by engineered microalgae Mr. Zihao Qin Hong Kong 27/5/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing A Real-Time Photogrammetric System For Monitoring Human Movement Dynamics Mr. Brandon Chen Long China 12/8/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Separation and Purification Technology The influence of cations intercalated in graphene oxide membranes in tuning H2/CO2 separation performance Prof. Tae-Hyun Bae Korea 27/4/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space GPS Solutions Sky visibility estimation based on GNSS satellite visibility: an approach of GNSS-based context awareness Dr. Li-Ta Hsu Hong Kong 16/3/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Continental Shelf Research Stochasticity in the estuarine sediment erosion processes Dr. Wenping Gong China 16/6/2021

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