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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Engineering, Architecture & Design Water Environment Research Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from a wastewater treatment plant using membrane bioreactor technology Dr Ivy Chen Taiwan 26/10/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Water Evaluation of Green Roof Performance in Mitigating the Impact of Extreme Storms Dr May Chui Hong Kong 18/4/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Waste Management & Research Evaluating the operational risks of biomedical waste using failure mode and effects analysis Professor Ivy Chen    Taiwan 21/4/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Waste Management & Research Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from waste management approaches in the islands Professor Ivy Chen    Taiwan 28/5/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Waste Management Potential for energy recovery and greenhouse gas mitigation from municipal solid waste using a waste-to-material approach Dr Ivy Chen Taiwan 9/10/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design Waste Management Effects of urbanization on municipal solid waste composition Professor Ivy Chen Taiwan 8/2/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics Numerical and experimental study of route choice behaviour using an impatience-determined model Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 26/10/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Train rescheduling in a major disruption on a high-speed railway network with seat reservation Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 2/4/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Train rescheduling in a major disruption on a high-speed railway network with seat reservation Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 2/4/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Researh Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Carrot/stick mechanisms for collection responsibility sharing in multi-tier closed-loop supply chain management Professor Wenbin Wang China 4/1/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Researh Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Carrot/stick mechanisms for collection responsibility sharing in multi-tier closed-loop supply chain management Professor Wenbin Wang China 4/1/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Data analytics in managing aircraft routing and maintenance staffing with price competition by a Stackelberg-Nash game model Dr Xiaowen Fu Australia 12/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Data analytics in managing aircraft routing and maintenance staffing with price competition by a Stackelberg-Nash game model Dr Xiaowen Fu Australia 12/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Shipping network design in a growth market: The case of Indonesia Professor Xiaowen Fu Hong Kong 10/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Shipping network design in a growth market: The case of Indonesia Professor Xiaowen Fu Hong Kong 10/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Modeling the interactions of pedestrians and cyclists in mixed flow conditions in uni- and bidirectional flows on a shared pedestrian-cycle road Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 7/2/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Modeling the interactions of pedestrians and cyclists in mixed flow conditions in uni- and bidirectional flows on a shared pedestrian-cycle road Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 7/2/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Integrated railway timetable rescheduling and dynamic passenger routing during a complete blockage Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 28/11/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part B: Methodological A robust approach to airport gate assignment with a solution-dependent uncertainty budget Dr Liang Xu China 28/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Two-phase optimal solutions for ship speed and trim optimization over a voyage using voyage report data Dr Shuaian Wang Hong Kong 19/2/2019

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