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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Business Administration & Economics Strategic Management Journal Breakthrough invention and problem complexity: Evidence from a quasi-experiment Wei Yang China 25/5/2022
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Business Finance & Accounting Cross-border regulatory enforcement and corporate voluntary disclosure Albert Tsang China 16/8/2022
Business Administration & Economics Games Memory Recall Bias of Overconfident and Underconfident Individuals after Feedback King King Li China 23/5/2022
Business Administration & Economics Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments Does mixed ownership reform affect private firms’ ESG practices? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China June Cao Australia 17/6/2022
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Cleaner Production Smart cities and urban household carbon emissions: A perspective on smart city development policy in China Shuping Wu China 30/8/2022
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Collateral quality and house prices Jing Zhou China 17/8/2022
Business Administration & Economics China Journal of Accounting Studies Chairman individualism and cost structure decisions Wei Jiang China 17/11/2022
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Corporate Finance Does air quality affect inventor productivity? Evidence from the NOx budget program Yangyang Chen Hong Kong 8/3/2022
Business Administration & Economics Academy of Management Proceedings The Call of the Heart: Entrepreneur’s Calling, Resilience and New Venture Performance Michael Kwan Ho Kwong China 6/6/2022
Sciences, Social International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Assessment of community vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic: Hong Kong as a case study Mengling Qiao The Chinese University of Hong Kong 9/6/2022
Sciences, Social Behavioral Sciences & The Law Perceptions of stalking in Mainland China: Behaviors, motives, and effective coping strategies Oliver Chan City University of Hong Kong 9/8/2022
Sciences, Social Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research Are Luxury Travelers Alike? A Qualitative Means–End Segmentation Approach Elaine Zhang University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 17/6/2022
Sciences, Social Chinese Sociological Review Returned but separated: Political stance, identity, and the yellow–blue divide in Hong Kong SAR China Zhuoni ZHANG Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) 16/2/2022
Sciences, Social Chinese Journal of Sociology The effect of parental divorce on the sexual life and marital well-being of offspring in China Chunni Zhang Peking University 6/9/2022
Sciences, Social Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly How Misinformation and Rebuttals in Online Comments Affect People’s Intention to Receive COVID-19 Vaccines: The Roles of Psychological Reactance and Misperceptions Yanqing Sun Hunan University 31/3/2022
Sciences, Social Frontiers in Public Health Act Tough and Soft: Video Monitoring, Hongbao Gifts, and the Job Satisfaction of Domestic Workers Arno Yang Nanjing University 25/3/2022
Sciences, Social New Media & Society Minority social influence and moral decision-making in human–AI interaction: The effects of identity and specialization cues Yuheng Wu Shanghai Jiao Tong University 23/11/2022
Sciences, Social The Journal of Public Space Learning from Older Adults’ Use of Urban Parks in Hong Kong’s Low-income Areas Caterina Villani The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 26/6/2022
Sciences, Social Public Administration and Policy: An Asia-Pacific Journal The differences between students’ fixed and growth mindsets: A case of study tour between Hong Kong and Canada Joseph Lau Yui Yip The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 21/9/2022
Sciences, Social Information Technology & People VR tourism experiences and tourist behavior intention in COVID-19: An experience economy and mood management perspective Ka Shing Wilson Leung College of Professional and Continuing Education, CPCE, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PolyU 17/5/2022

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