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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Engineering, Architecture & Design ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information A GloVe-Based POI Type Embedding Model for Extracting and Identifying Urban Functional Regions Zhen  Yan  China 31/5/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing A Real-Time Photogrammetric System for Acquisition and Monitoring of Three-Dimensional Human Body Kinematics Brandon Long  Chen   China 1/5/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Bicycle flow dynamics on wide roads: Experiments and simulation SC  Wong  Hong Kong 18/2/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design Structural Control and Health Monitoring Friction mechanism and experimental investigation of the response-amplified friction damper Yuhong  Ma  China 7/3/2022
Engineering, Architecture & Design Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Empirical analysis of scaled mixed itinerary-size weibit model for itinerary choice in a schedule-based railway network SC  Wong  Hong Kong 14/4/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design Environmental Science & Technology Profiling Airborne Microbiota in Mechanically Ventilated Buildings Across Seasons in Hong Kong Reveals Higher Metabolic Activity in Low-Abundance Bacteria You  Zhou  Hong Kong 21/12/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design Advances in Mechanical Engineering Experimental study of aerodynamic noise performance of improved air distributor for ships Yue Jiao  Guo  China 8/3/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design Remote Sensing Relation-Constrained 3D Reconstruction of Buildings in Metropolitan Areas from Photogrammetric Point Clouds Yuan  Li  Hong Kong 1/1/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters Evolution of vortices in the wake of an ARJ21 airplane: Application of the lift-drag model Wei-Xi  Huang  China 7/12/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design JMIR Publications Medication Management Service for Old Age Homes in Hong Kong Using Information Technology, Automation Technology, and the Internet of Things: Pre-Post Interventional Study Yin Ting  Cheung  Hong Kong 10/2/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design Information Technology & Tourism Does virtual reality attract visitors? The mediating effect of presence on consumer response in virtual reality tourism advertising Wan Hai Lo Hong Kong 28/11/2020
Education Thinking Skills and Creativity How should undergraduate students perceive knowledge as a product of human creation? Insights from a study on epistemic beliefs, intellectual risk-taking, and creativity Zhihong  Wan  Hong Kong 12/1/2021
Education International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism A reconceptualisation of native speakerism: ethnic return migrants and LOTE learning in South Korea Mun Woo  Lee  Korea 13/4/2021
Education Children & Society Kindergarten Education Scheme in Hong Kong: Policy measures, rhizomatic connections and early childhood teacher education Gail  Yuen  Hong Kong 7/11/2020
Education British Journal of Educational Technology Self-directed reflective assessment for collective empowerment among pre-service teachers Yuqin  Yang  China 11/10/2020
Education Educational Technology Research and Development Exploring the use of technology among newly arrived children in Hong Kong: from an e-sports and cultural capital perspective Miaoting  Cheng  China 15/6/2022
Computing, Maths & Statistics IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems Multilabel Emotion Tagging for Domain-Specific Texts Samuel  Chan  Hong Kong 3/11/2021
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Cleaner Production Public versus private interest in social entrepreneurship: Can one serve two masters? Yanto  Chandra  Hong Kong 5/10/2020
Business Administration & Economics Academy of Management Proceedings Performance Effects of Trust-Dependence Congruence: The Mediating Role of Relational Behaviors Wei  Yang  China 1/8/2019
Business Administration & Economics Administrative Science Quarterly The Impact of Logic (In)Compatibility: Green Investing, State Policy, and Corporate Environmental Performance Shipeng  Yan  Hong Kong 23/6/2021

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