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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Life Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Neuronal calcium channel α1 subunit interacts with AMPA receptor, increasing its cell surface localisation Dr Myoung-Goo Kang South Korea 12/2/2018
Sciences, Medical Aging & Disease The Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Neural Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation Ms Shiya Chen China 1/12/2017
Sciences, Medical Anesthesia & Analegsia The Analgesic Effects of (5R,6R)6-(3-Propylthio-1,2,5-thiadiazol-4-yl)-1-azabicyclo[3.2.1] Octane on a Mouse Model of Neuropathic Pain: Erratum Dr Xiangyao Li China 19/12/2016
Sciences, Life American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology Two Co-Expression Strategies for Eicosapentaenoic Acid Production in Mortierella alpina Dr Xin Tang China 5/12/2019
Sciences, Life Aquatic Toxicology Metabolomic analysis of short-term sulfamethazine exposure on marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry Professor Xinhong Wang China 8/3/2018
Sciences, Life Biological Trace Element Research Effect of Zinc Sulfate and Zinc Glycine Chelate on Concentrations of Acute Phase Proteins in Chicken Serum and Liver Tissue Dr Lukasz Jarosz Poland 19/4/2018
Sciences, Medical BioMed Research International Effect of Quercetin Monoglycosides on Oxidative Stress and Gut Microbiota Diversity in Mice with Dextran Sodium Sulphate-Induced Colitis Dr Meiyu Piao China 12/11/2018
Sciences, Medical Age and Ageing Cognitive behavioural therapy for fear of falling and balance among older people: a systematic review and meta-analysis Mr Tai Wa Liu   Hong Kong 20/2/2018
Sciences, Medical Annals of Translational Medicine Downregulation of HSPA2 inhibits proliferation via ERK1/2 pathway and endoplasmic reticular stress in lung adenocarcinoma Dr Longxiang Cao China 25/9/2019
Sciences, Life BioMed Research International Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor Is Involved in Apoptosis in Rat Astrocytes Exposed to Oxygen-Glucose Deprivation Dr Liang Huo China 27/2/2019
Sciences, Life BioMed Research International Effects of Melatonin on Intestinal Microbiota and Oxidative Stress in Colitis Mice Dr Dan Zhu China 6/2/2018
Sciences, Life Algal Research Hydroxyl radical pretreatment for low-viscosity sodium alginate production from brown seaweed Dr Demao Li China 2/8/2018
Sciences, Life Aquatic Toxicology Bioconcentration, metabolism, and biomarker responses in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) exposed to sulfamethazine Dr Xinhong Wang China 27/10/2016
Sciences, Life Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications The role of losartan in preventing vascular remodeling in spontaneously hypertensive rats by inhibition of the H2O2/VPO1/HOCl/MMPs pathway Dr Luyao Chen China 20/6/2017
Sciences, Medical AIDS Patient Care and STDs Variations in Dyadic Adjustment Among Heterosexual HIV-Discordant Couples in Rural China: A Latent Profile Analysis Dr Nancy Yu Hong Kong 26/6/2019
Sciences, Medical Andrology The regulation of CIRBP by transforming growth factor beta during heat shock‐induced testicular injury Dr Wei Xia China 21/11/2018
Sciences, Life BioMed Research International MicroRNA-15a-5p Regulates the Development of Osteoarthritis by Targeting PTHrP in Chondrocytes Mr Zhixi Duan China 5/3/2019
Sciences, Life Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Novel strains of Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides ovatus alleviate the LPS-induced inflammation in mice Dr Qixiao Zhai China 21/1/2019
Sciences, Medical Aging & Disease  Relationship between Cortical Thickness and Neuropsychological Performance in Normal Older Adults and Those with Mild Cognitive Impairment Dr Calvin Cheng    Hong Kong 24/11/2017
Sciences, Medical BioMed Research International Reliability of the Maximal Step Length Test and Its Correlation with Motor Function in Chronic Stroke Survivors Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 20/12/2018

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