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Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Physical RSC Advances High-performance and stable CsPbBr3 light-emitting diodes based on polymer additive treatment Dr Wanqing Cai China 9/3/2019
Sciences, Physical RSC Advances Controllable etching-induced contact enhancement for high-performance carbon nanotube thin-film transistors Ms Zhengxia Lv China 4/4/2019
Sciences, Physical RSC Advances Efficiency improvement in silicon nanowire/conductive polymer hybrid solar cells based on formic acid treatment Ms Cheuk Yi Lam Hong Kong 9/6/2016
Sciences, Physical RSC Advances High-performance and stable CsPbBr3 light-emitting diodes based on polymer additive treatment Dr Wanqing Cai China 9/3/2019
Sciences, Physical RSC Advances Preparing magnetic multicomponent catalysts via a bio-inspired assembly for heterogeneous reactions Dr Shenyang Tao China 18/7/2016
Sciences, Physical RSC Advances Efficiency improvement in silicon nanowire/conductive polymer hybrid solar cells based on formic acid treatment Ms Cheuk Yi Lam Hong Kong 9/6/2016
Sciences, Physical RSC Advances Endogenous omega-3 long-chain fatty acid biosynthesis from alpha-linolenic acid is affected by substrate levels, gene expression, and product inhibition Professor Zhennan Gu China 22/8/2017
Sciences, Physical RSC Advances Preparing magnetic multicomponent catalysts via a bio-inspired assembly for heterogeneous reactions Dr Shenyang Tao China 18/7/2016
Sciences, Physical Royal Society Open Science Digested sludge-derived three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon for high-performance supercapacitor electrode Dr Jia-Jia Zhang  China 4/11/2018
Sciences, Physical RSC Advances Endogenous omega-3 long-chain fatty acid biosynthesis from alpha-linolenic acid is affected by substrate levels, gene expression, and product inhibition Professor Zhennan Gu China 22/8/2017
Sciences, Physical Royal Society Open Science Digested sludge-derived three-dimensional hierarchical porous carbon for high-performance supercapacitor electrode Dr Jia-Jia Zhang  China 4/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design RSC Advances Mineralization of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorodecanoate (PFDA) from aqueous solution by porous hexagonal boron nitride: adsorption followed by simultaneous thermal decomposition and regeneration Dr Kaimin Shih Hong Kong 30/11/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering  Dynamic Weakening of Sandstone Subjected to Repetitive Impact Loading Dr. S.K. Lai    Hong Kong 1/2/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design RSC Advances Mineralization of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorodecanoate (PFDA) from aqueous solution by porous hexagonal boron nitride: adsorption followed by simultaneous thermal decomposition and regeneration Dr Kaimin Shih Hong Kong 30/11/2016
Computing, Maths & Statistics Risk Analysis Big Data Challenges of High‐Dimensional Continuous‐Time Mean‐Variance Portfolio Selection and a Remedy Dr Mei Choi Chiu Hong Kong 30/3/2017
Computing, Maths & Statistics Risk Analysis Big Data Challenges of High‐Dimensional Continuous‐Time Mean‐Variance Portfolio Selection and a Remedy Dr Mei Choi Chiu Hong Kong 30/3/2017
Sciences, Physical RILEM Technical Letters Future of multiscale modelling of concrete - Toward a full integration of cement chemistry and concrete structural engineering Dr Tiao Wang Japan 17/9/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Kinematics analysis of a hybrid manipulator for computer controlled ultra-precision freeform polishing Dr Peng Xu China 8/10/2016
Sciences, Physical Review of Scientific Instruments Quantitative stress measurement of elastic deformation using mechanoluminescent sensor: An intensity ratio model Dr Di Peng China 18/4/2018
Sciences, Physical Review of Scientific Instruments Quantitative stress measurement of elastic deformation using mechanoluminescent sensor: An intensity ratio model Dr Di Peng China 18/4/2018

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