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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Business Administration & Economics Leadership & Organization Development Journal Participative leadership and job satisfaction Mr Simon Chan Hong Kong 13/5/2019
Business Administration & Economics Leadership & Organization Development Journal The mechanism underlying the empowering leadership-creativity relationship Professor Irene Chow Hong Kong 4/10/2018
Business Administration & Economics Journal of World Business The belt and road initiative, cultural friction and ethnicity: Their effects on the export performance of SMEs in China Dr Gongming Qian  Hong Kong 5/9/2019
Business Administration & Economics Leadership & Organization Development Journal Participative leadership and job satisfaction: The mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of fun experienced at work Mr Simon Chan Hong Kong 13/5/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Wine Economics Terrorism and Wine Tourism: The Case of Museum Attendance Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 20/11/2018
Business Administration & Economics Journal of World Business Productivity and participation values for cooperative goals to limit free riding and promote performance in international joint ventures Professor Alfred Wong Hong Kong 14/8/2017
Business Administration & Economics Journal of the Association for Consumer Research The Shape of Money: The Impact of Financial Resources on Product Shape Preference Dr Lei Su Hong Kong 19/7/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Vocational Behavior Can idiosyncratic deals promote perceptions of competitive climate, felt ostracism, and turnover? Professor Thomas Ng Hong Kong 2/1/2017
Business Administration & Economics Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Mobile searching versus online searching: differential effects of paid search keywords on direct and indirect sales Dr Feng Wang China 22/4/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Small Business Management Entrepreneurial orientation, online credibility, and online performance: Evidence from SMEs in a B2B electronic market in China Professor Timon Du China 19/2/2020
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Shipping and Trade The procurement of food on board liner ships: the role of the international labor organization Mr Joseph Lau Hong Kong 11/2/2017
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Small Business Management Family Involvement, External Auditing, and the Cost of Debt: Evidence from U.S. Small Firms Dr Zhenyu Wu    Canada 4/3/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Services Marketing The trustworthiness of internet-based quality signals: an interactivity perspective Dr Hongyi Sun Hong Kong 4/9/2018
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Change in your wallet, change your choice: The effect of the change-matching heuristic on choice Dr Annie Yu Taiwan 22/3/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services Ethical work climate, employee commitment and proactive customer service performance: Test of the mediating effects of organizational politics Dr Jane Tong Malaysia 23/11/2016
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services An extended model of value-attitude-behavior to explain Chinese consumers’ green purchase behavior Dr Millissa Cheung    Hong Kong 14/5/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Public Economic Theory A model of the optimal allocation of government expenditures Professor Simon Fan   Hong Kong 19/11/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce Investigating the factors influencing small online vendors’ intention to continue engaging in social commerce Dr Annie Yu Taiwan 21/12/2017
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Organizational Behavior Rivals or allies: How performance‐prove goal orientation influences knowledge hiding Dr Carol Zhu China 22/4/2019
Business Administration & Economics Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity The Korean Wave in the Middle East: Past and Present Dr Mohamed Elaskary South Korea 25/10/2018

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