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Publication Successes

Browse and use the filters below to see a sample of the journal paper publication successes in which we are happy to have contributed.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Engineering, Architecture & Design Engineering Failure Analysis Evolution of principal stress of a turbine rotor under cyclic thermo-mechanical loading Professor Weizhe Wang China 11/9/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy Conversion and Management Initial ratio optimization for the ejector cooling system with thermal pumping effect (ECSTPE) Mr Sheng Zhang Hong Kong 2/10/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy Policy Impact of zero energy buildings on medium-to-long term building energy consumption in China Dr Alice Yang China 25/2/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy and Buildings Effects of groundwater flow on the heat transfer performance of energy piles: Experimental and numerical analysis Professor Xiaohui Cheng    China 15/9/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy and Buildings Diurnal variation of natural convective wall flows and the resulting air change rate in a homogeneous urban canopy layer Professor Yuguo Li    Hong Kong 8/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy and Buildings A practical approach to chiller plants’ optimisation Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 4/7/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy and Buildings Orientation effect on thermal and energy performance of vertical greenery systems Professor LM Chu   Hong Kong 18/7/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy and Buildings Cooling load forecasting-based predictive optimisation for chiller plants Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 6/5/2019
Sciences, Physical Energy Storage Materials Giant Two-Dimensional Titania Sheets for Constructing a Flexible Fiber Sodium-Ion Battery with Long-Term Cycling Stability Ms Iris Geng China 7/9/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy and Buildings An ordered probability model for predicting outdoor thermal comfort Professor Chun Chen Hong Kong 16/3/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy and Buildings Event-driven optimization of complex HVAC systems Mr Junqi Wang    Hong Kong 21/9/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy and Buildings Quantitative research on the influence of particle size and filling thickness on aerogel glazing performance Mr Yajun Lv  China 30/6/2018
Sciences, Physical Energy & Environmental Science Nature-based catalyst for visible-light-driven photocatalytic CO2 reduction Professor Po Keung Wong Hong Kong 27/6/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy and Buildings Relationship between pressure drop and face velocity for electrospun nanofiber filters Professor Chun Chen   Hong Kong 23/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy & Environmental Science Interface design for high-efficiency non-fullerene polymer solar cells Professor Fei Huang China 4/3/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy Performance investigation of a SOFC-primed micro-combined hybrid cooling and power system in hot and humid regions Dr. Chun Kwong Lee Hong Kong 10/7/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy Quantifying uncertainty in the aggregate energy flexibility of high-rise residential building clusters considering stochastic occupancy and occupant behavior Dr. Linda Xiao Hong Kong 27/12/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Energy Comparative study of the regeneration characteristics of LiCl and a new mixed liquid desiccant solution Mr Tao Wen Hong Kong 27/8/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics Electronic Journal of Statistics Estimation of false discovery proportion in multiple testing: From normal to chi-squared test statistics Dr Lilun Du Hong Kong 31/3/2017
Sciences, Physical Electrochimica Acta Stretchable alkaline poly(acrylic acid) electrolyte with high ionic conductivity enhanced by cellulose nanofibrils Ms Lei Li   China 16/3/2018