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Publication Successes

Browse and use the filters below to see a sample of the journal paper publication successes in which we are happy to have contributed.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical Clinical Nutrition Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of the effects of probiotics on functional constipation in adults Dr Chengcheng Zhang China 14/1/2020
Sciences, Life Cytotechnology Analysis of toxicity effects of Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure on human bronchial epithelial 16HBE cells Professor Yuebin Ke China 8/7/2017
Sciences, Life Energy & Environmental Science Biohybrid photoheterotrophic metabolism for significant enhancement of biological nitrogen fixation in pure microbial cultures Professor Po Keung Wong Hong Kong 20/6/2019
Sciences, Life Environmental Science & Technology Letters Effects of Dietary Selenium Supplementation on Intestinal Barrier and Immune Responses Associated with Its Modulation of Gut Microbiota Dr Qixiao Zhai China 26/11/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Health Services Research Influences on the access to and use of formal community care by people with dementia and their informal caregivers: a scoping review Ms Anja Bieber    Germany 1/2/2019
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Pharmacology The natural compound, formononetin, extracted from Astragalus membranaceus increases adipocyte thermogenesis by modulating PPARγ activity Dr Nie Tao China 7/1/2018
Sciences, Medical Cell Death & Disease Sarcodon imbricatus polysaccharides improve mouse hematopoietic function after cyclophosphamide-induced damage via G-CSF mediated JAK2/STAT3 pathway Ms Xue Wang China 21/5/2018
Sciences, Medical Clinical Nutrition Experimental Disturbed eating tendencies, health-related behaviors, and depressive symptoms among university students in Korea Dr Youjin Je  South Korea 19/3/2018
Sciences, Life Dalton Transactions Emerging platinum(iv) prodrugs to combat cisplatin resistance: from isolated cancer cells to tumor microenvironment Dr Guangyu Zhu Hong Kong 7/1/2019
Sciences, Life Environemental microbiology Regulation of type III secretion system in Pseudomonas syringae Dr. Xin Deng Hong Kong 13/8/2019
Sciences, Life Environmental Toxicology Copper nanoparticle‐induced uterine injury in female rats Dr Shifu Hu China 16/12/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Health Services Research Intention to initiate antiretroviral therapy (ART) among people living with HIV in China under the scaling-up of ART: the role of healthcare workers’ recommendations Mr Qiangsheng He China 16/5/2019
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Pharmacology The brain-penetrating, orally bioavailable, ghrelin receptor agonist HM01 ameliorates motion-induced emesis in Suncus murinus (house musk shrew) Professor John Rudd Hong Kong 13/11/2019
Sciences, Life Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Regulation of class V myosin Dr Xiang-dong Li   China 20/7/2017
Sciences, Medical Collegian Nursing students’ experiences of mental health first aid training: A qualitative descriptive study Dr Stanley Lam Hong Kong 8/3/2019
Sciences, Life Developmental Biology MGL-1 on AIY neurons translates starvation to reproductive plasticity via neuropeptide signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans Professor Young-Ki Paik  South Korea 12/8/2017
Sciences, Life Environment International Long-term exposure to ambient fine particles and gastrointestinal cancer mortality in Taiwan: A cohort study Prof. Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 13/3/2020
Sciences, Medical Epidemiology & Infection Probable transmission routes of the influenza virus in a nosocomial outbreak Ms Vicky Xiao Hong Kong 6/5/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Medical Education Facilitating learning of community-based rehabilitation through problem-based learning in higher education Prof. Eva Chung Hong Kong 21/11/2019
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Sports Medicine Increased leisure-time physical activity associated with lower onset of diabetes in 44 828 adults with impaired fasting glucose: a population-based prospective cohort study Professor Xiang Qian Lao    Hong Kong 13/1/2018