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Publication Successes

Browse and use the filters below to see a sample of the journal paper publication successes in which we are happy to have contributed.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical Collegian Nursing students’ experiences of mental health first aid training: A qualitative descriptive study Dr Stanley Lam Hong Kong 8/3/2019
Sciences, Life Developmental Biology MGL-1 on AIY neurons translates starvation to reproductive plasticity via neuropeptide signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans Professor Young-Ki Paik  South Korea 12/8/2017
Sciences, Life Environment International Long-term exposure to ambient fine particles and gastrointestinal cancer mortality in Taiwan: A cohort study Prof. Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 13/3/2020
Sciences, Medical Epidemiology & Infection Probable transmission routes of the influenza virus in a nosocomial outbreak Ms Vicky Xiao Hong Kong 6/5/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Medical Education Facilitating learning of community-based rehabilitation through problem-based learning in higher education Prof. Eva Chung Hong Kong 21/11/2019
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Sports Medicine Increased leisure-time physical activity associated with lower onset of diabetes in 44 828 adults with impaired fasting glucose: a population-based prospective cohort study Professor Xiang Qian Lao    Hong Kong 13/1/2018
Sciences, Life Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Hypoxia on Infarcted Myocardium: Better or Worse? Dr Yun-Han Jiang China 22/11/2018
Sciences, Medical Community Dental Health Journal The impact of oral health status on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of 12-year-olds from children's and parents' perspectives Ms Yan Zhang Hong Kong 1/12/2014
Sciences, Life Developmental Biology An Enhanced Green Fluorescence Protein-based Assay for Studying Neurite Outgrowth in Primary Neurons Dr Ray Chan Hong Kong 19/10/2019
Sciences, Life Environment International Exploration of the antibiotic resistome in a wastewater treatment plant by a nine-year longitudinal metagenomic study Ms. Xiaole Yin Hong Kong 1/11/2019
Sciences, Medical BMC Medical Education Does academic interest play a more important role in medical sciences than in other disciplines? A nationwide cross-sectional study in China Dr. Hongbin Wu China 5/8/2019
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Sports Medicine Habitual physical activity, renal function and chronic kidney disease: a cohort study of nearly 200 000 adults Professor Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 22/1/2020
Sciences, Life Chemico-Biological Interactions Indolyl-chalcone derivatives induce hepatocellular carcinoma cells apoptosis through oxidative stress related mitochondrial pathway in vitro and in vivo Professor Di Wang China 25/7/2018
Sciences, Medical Complementary Therapies in Medicine Tai Chi practice on prefrontal oxygenation levels in older adults: A pilot study Dr William Tsang Hong Kong 6/11/2018
Sciences, Medical Developmental Science Movement segmentation and visual perturbation increase developmental differences in motor control and learning Ms Jiamin Wu China 16/12/2018
Sciences, Life Environment International Integrated aquaculture contributes to the transfer of mcr-1 between animals and humans via the aquaculture supply chain Professor Yuebin Ke China 12/6/2019
Sciences, Medical BMC Oral Health The association between nutritive, non-nutritive sucking habits and primary dental occlusion Dr Yanqi Yang Hong Kong 22/8/2018
Sciences, Medical Cancer Effectiveness of a short message service intervention to motivate people with positive results in preliminary colorectal cancer screening to undergo colonoscopy: A randomized controlled trial Ms Yanan Wu China 2/3/2019
Sciences, Medical Child Neuropsychology Parents’ perceptions of children’s executive functions across different cities Dr Cynthia Lai Hong Kong 24/11/2017
Sciences, Life Contraception Antifertility effectiveness of a novel polymer matrix composite and its influence on the endometrium in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) Dr Shifu Hu China 10/4/2019