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Publication Successes

Browse and use the filters below to see a sample of the journal paper publication successes in which we are happy to have contributed.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Physical The Journal of Chemical Physics Transformations of body-centered cubic crystals composed of hard or soft spheres to liquids or face-centered cubic crystals Dr Feng Wang Hong Kong 1/2/2019
Sciences, Physical The Journal of Chemical Physics Transformations of body-centered cubic crystals composed of hard or soft spheres to liquids or face-centered cubic crystals Dr Feng Wang Hong Kong 1/2/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Maritime Engineering An advanced procedure for the quantitative risk assessment of offshore installations in explosions Professor Jeom Kee Paik South Korea 6/1/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Design in Society Enhancing the Play and Leisure Experiences of Visually Impaired Young Adults in Hong Kong:: A Qualitative Study Mr Alex King Hong Kong 1/1/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Maritime Engineering An advanced procedure for the quantitative risk assessment of offshore installations in explosions Professor Jeom Kee Paik South Korea 6/1/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Damage Mechanics An online monitoring method for creep-fatigue life consumption with real-time damage accumulation Prof. Weizhe Wang China 17/1/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Design in Society Enhancing the Play and Leisure Experiences of Visually Impaired Young Adults in Hong Kong:: A Qualitative Study Mr Alex King Hong Kong 1/1/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design The International Journal of Damage Mechanics An online monitoring method for creep-fatigue life consumption with real-time damage accumulation Prof. Weizhe Wang China 17/1/2021
Sciences, Earth & Space The Geographical Journal Claiming geothermal water: Critical legal geography and the scalar politics of hot spring development in China Dr Peng Li China 18/1/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design The Design Journal Participant Observation in Cognitive Gameplay as a Rehabilitation Tool for Living Alone Elderly with Dementia in Hong Kong: A Pilot Study Mr Alex King Hong Kong 9/6/2017
Sciences, Physical The European Physical Journal – Applied Physics Analysis of factors affecting the performance of BIPV panels Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 28/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design The Design Journal Co-designing Mobile Collection Points with Older Persons to Promote Green Attitudes and Practices in Hong Kong Mr Alex King Hong Kong 31/5/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design The Design Journal Co-designing Mobile Collection Points with Older Persons to Promote Green Attitudes and Practices in Hong Kong Mr Alex King Hong Kong 31/5/2019
Computing, Maths & Statistics The canadian journal of statistics Jump-robust testing of volatility functions in continuous time models Mr. Qiang Chen China 29/7/2021
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Nonparametric Bayesian learning of heterogeneous dynamic transcription factor networks Dr Yingying Wei Hong Kong 9/11/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Probability Berry–Esseen bounds of normal and nonnormal approximation for unbounded exchangeable pairs Professor Qi-Man Shao Hong Kong 13/12/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Bayesian randomized response technique with multiple sensitive attributes: The case of information systems resource misuse Dr Mike So   Hong Kong 9/11/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Nonparametric Bayesian learning of heterogeneous dynamic transcription factor networks Dr Yingying Wei Hong Kong 9/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Tenth International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation Review of convolutional neural network optimization and training in image processing Professor Xuemin Cheng China 3/7/2019
Computing, Maths & Statistics The Annals of Applied Statistics Bayesian randomized response technique with multiple sensitive attributes: The case of information systems resource misuse Dr Mike So   Hong Kong 9/11/2018