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Publication Successes

Browse and use the filters below to see a sample of the journal paper publication successes in which we are happy to have contributed.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Engineering, Architecture & Design Acta Mechanica Sinica Experimental and numerical study of the effect of pulsatile flow on wall displacement oscillation in a flexible lateral aneurysm model Dr Lizhong Mu China 9/6/2019
Sciences, Physical ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Improved Efficiency of Polymer Solar Cells by Modifying the Side Chain of Wide-Band Gap Conjugated Polymers Containing Pyrrolo[3,4-f]benzotriazole-5,7(6H)-dione Moiety Dr Lei Ying China 22/6/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Acta Astronautica Personal value diversity in confinement and isolation: Pilot study results from the 180-day CELSS integration experiment Ms Qianying Ma China 7/12/2019
Sciences, Physical ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces High-Performance Ternary Organic Solar Cells with Controllable Morphology via Sequential Layer-by-Layer Deposition Mr Guichuan Zhang China 21/2/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Spatial Configuration of Extracellular Organic Substances Responsible for the Biogas Conversion of Sewage Sludge Dr Ying Xu    China 28/5/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems A Latent Space Modeling Approach to Interfirm Relationship Analysis Professor Mike So Hong Kong 1/12/2021
Sciences, Physical ACS Photonics Dynamic Phonon Manipulation by Optomechanically Induced Strong Coupling between Two Distinct Mechanical Resonators Mr Jianguo Huang   Singapore 7/8/2019
Sciences, Physical ACS Applied Energy Materials Tuning Sulfur Doping for Bifunctional Electrocatalyst with Selectivity between Oxygen and Hydrogen Evolution Ms Xue Cui China 22/10/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Improving the Electroluminescent Performance of Blue Light-Emitting Polymers by Side-Chain Modification Dr. Ting Guo China 30/1/2020
Sciences, Physical Journal of Materials Chemistry A Solvent-free synthesis of a 2D biochar stabilized nanoscale zerovalent iron composite for the oxidative degradation of organic pollutants Dr Shi-Jie Yuan China 25/2/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design ACS Applied Energy Materials Fiber-Shaped Electrochemical Capacitors Based on Plasma-Engraved Graphene Fibers with Oxygen Vacancies for Alternating Current Line Filtering Performance Dr Yagang Yao China 2/4/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Atmosphere Effects of Aerosols on Radiative Forcing and Climate Over East Asia With Different SO2 Emissions Dr Xiaoning Xie China 28/7/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design Accident Analysis & Prevention Occupant-level injury severity analyses for taxis in Hong Kong: A Bayesian space-time logistic model Professor SC Wong    Hong Kong 20/9/2017
Education Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education Values in Mathematics Learning: Perspectives of Chinese Mainland Primary and Secondary Students Dr Qiaoping Zhang Hong Kong 25/4/2019
Education Vocations and Learning Investigating the Role of Cognitive Feedback in Practice-Oriented Learning for Clinical Diagnostics Dr Minhong Wang Hong Kong 23/10/2019
Humanities Translation Studies Indirectness in literary translation: Methodological possibilities Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta Hong Kong 3/9/2017
Law & Jurisprudence Trusts & Trustees Secret trusts and testamentary freedom Mr Tommy Cheung Hong Kong 13/7/2019
Education Thinking Skills and Creativity Mapping the factors influencing creative teaching in mainland China: An exploratory study Dr Xianhan Huang Hong Kong 11/6/2018
Education Thinking Skills and Creativity Developing individual creativity for environmental sustainability: Using an everyday theme in higher education Dr Vivian Cheng Hong Kong 5/9/2019
Humanities The Translator Characteristics of a digital literary translation publisher: revisiting Bourdieu’s mapping of the publishing field Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta Hong Kong 11/10/2018