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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical PLOS ONE Assessing the fall risks of community-dwelling stroke survivors using the Short-form Physiological Profile Assessment (S-PPA) Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 21/5/2019
Sciences, Medical PLOS ONE A novel partial lid for mechanical defeatherers reduced aerosol dispersion during processing of avian influenza virus infected poultry Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 8/5/2019
Sciences, Medical PLOS One Role of fomites in SARS transmission during the largest hospital outbreak in Hong Kong Professor Yuguo Li  Hong Kong 20/7/2017
Sciences, Medical PLOS ONE Human Cough as a Two-Stage Jet and Its Role in Particle Transport Professor Yuguo Li Hong Kong 3/1/2017
Sciences, Medical Perspectives in Psychiatric Care Effect of hepatitis C infection on the quality of life Professor Gabor Ungvari Australia 11/7/2018
Sciences, Medical PeerJ – the Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences The preventive effect of dexmedetomidine on paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity in severe traumatic brain injury patients who have undergone surgery: a retrospective study Dr Guoyi Guo China 15/2/2017
Sciences, Medical Pediatric Pulmonology Household incense burning and children's respiratory health: A cohort study in Hong Kong Professor Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 16/1/2019
Sciences, Medical Pediatric Exercise Science Compliance and Practical Utility of Continuous Wearing of activPAL™ in Adolescents Ms Yancy Shi    Hong Kong 1/8/2019
Sciences, Medical Patient Education and Counseling An integrated experiential training programme with coaching to promote physical activity, and reduce fatigue among children with cancer: A randomised controlled trial Dr William Li    Hong Kong 7/7/2018
Sciences, Medical Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Hepatoprotective Effects of Morchella esculenta against Alcohol-Induced Acute Liver Injury in the C57BL/6 Mouse Related to Nrf-2 and NF-κB Signaling Dr Bo Meng China 17/7/2019
Sciences, Medical Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Curcumin Inhibits Acute Vascular Inflammation through the Activation of Heme Oxygenase-1 Professor Yuebin Ke    China 20/9/2018
Sciences, Medical Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity The Antidiabetic and Antinephritic Activities of Tuber melanosporum via Modulation of Nrf2-Mediated Oxidative Stress in the db/db Mouse Ms Xue Wang China 29/7/2018
Sciences, Medical Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity The Tryptophan Pathway Targeting Antioxidant Capacity in the Placenta Dr Gang Liu China 22/7/2018
Sciences, Medical Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity PKM2 Is Required to Activate Myeloid Dendritic Cells from Patients with Severe Aplastic Anemia Dr Chunyan Liu China 15/2/2018
Sciences, Medical Oral Oncology Extranodal extension is a criterion for poor outcome in patients with metastatic nodes from cancer of the nasopharynx Professor Ann King Hong Kong 24/11/2018
Sciences, Medical Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics The effect of simultaneous dual-focus integration on the global flash multifocal electroretinogram in the human eye Ms Mavis Fung Hong Kong 29/10/2020
Sciences, Medical Oncology Research Featuring Preclinical and Clinical Cancer Therapeutics Experimental and In Silico Analysis of Cordycepin and its Derivatives as Endometrial Cancer Treatment Professor Pedro Fong Macau 5/2/2019
Sciences, Medical Oncotarget Prevalence and risk factors of lower urinary tract symptoms in Chinese adult men: a multicentre cross-sectional study Dr Meng Rao China 6/11/2017
Sciences, Medical Oncology Reports Inhibition of miR-194 suppresses the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway in gastric cancer Mr Yin Peng China 8/10/2018
Sciences, Medical Oncology Letters Blue light-induced apoptosis of human promyelocytic leukemia cells via the mitochondrial-mediated signaling pathway Ms Yange Liu  China 2/3/2018

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