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Publication Successes

We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical Current Pharmaceutical Design Effects of Bioactive Peptide on Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Focus on Signal Transduction and Intestinal Microbiota Ms Sujuan Ding China 14/11/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine The effectiveness of long-needle acupuncture at acupoints BL30 and BL35 for CP/CPPS: a randomized controlled pilot study Dr Haiyong Chen Hong Kong 12/5/2017
Sciences, Medical Childhood Obesity Prospective Associations between Weekend Catch-Up Sleep, Physical Activity, and Childhood Obesity Dr Wendy Huang    Hong Kong 2/1/2019
Sciences, Medical Cancers Interplay of Viral Infection, Host Cell Factors and Tumor Microenvironment in the Pathogenesis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Dr Anna Tsang Hong Kong 4/4/2018
Sciences, Medical Current Pharmaceutical Design Treatments for Iron Deficiency (ID): Prospective Organic Iron Fortification Dr Gang Liu China 1/3/2019
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Sports Medicine Habitual physical activity, renal function and chronic kidney disease: a cohort study of nearly 200 000 adults Professor Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 22/1/2020
Sciences, Medical Child Neuropsychology Parents’ perceptions of children’s executive functions across different cities Dr Cynthia Lai Hong Kong 24/11/2017
Sciences, Medical Chinese Medical Journal Correlation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Production with Photochemical Reaction-induced Retinal Edema Mr Shan Liang China 20/12/2016
Sciences, Medical Current Pharmaceutical Design Hyperuricemia and Cardiovascular Disease Dr Dandan Zhang China 12/6/2019
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Pharmacology The natural compound, formononetin, extracted from Astragalus membranaceus increases adipocyte thermogenesis by modulating PPARγ activity Dr Nie Tao China 7/1/2018
Sciences, Medical Cell Death & Disease Sarcodon imbricatus polysaccharides improve mouse hematopoietic function after cyclophosphamide-induced damage via G-CSF mediated JAK2/STAT3 pathway Ms Xue Wang China 21/5/2018
Sciences, Medical Community Dental Health Journal The impact of oral health status on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of 12-year-olds from children's and parents' perspectives Ms Yan Zhang Hong Kong 1/12/2014
Sciences, Medical Current Pharmaceutical Design Zein-Based Nanofibres for Drug Delivery: Classes and Current Applications Dr Yong Zhang China 1/12/2015
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Nutrition Fruit and vegetable intake and breast cancer prognosis: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies Dr Cai-xia Zhang China 3/4/2017
Sciences, Medical AIDS Patient Care and STDs Variations in Dyadic Adjustment Among Heterosexual HIV-Discordant Couples in Rural China: A Latent Profile Analysis Dr Nancy Yu Hong Kong 26/6/2019
Sciences, Medical Andrology The regulation of CIRBP by transforming growth factor beta during heat shock‐induced testicular injury Dr Wei Xia China 21/11/2018
Sciences, Medical Aging & Disease  Relationship between Cortical Thickness and Neuropsychological Performance in Normal Older Adults and Those with Mild Cognitive Impairment Dr Calvin Cheng    Hong Kong 24/11/2017
Sciences, Medical BioMed Research International Reliability of the Maximal Step Length Test and Its Correlation with Motor Function in Chronic Stroke Survivors Dr Shamay Ng Hong Kong 20/12/2018
Sciences, Medical Aging The anti-carcinogenesis properties of erianin in the modulation of oxidative stress-mediated apoptosis and immune response in liver cancer Dr Di Wang China 20/11/2019
Sciences, Medical Addictive Behaviors The relationships between mobile phone use and depressive symptoms, bodily pain, and daytime sleepiness in Hong Kong secondary school students Ms Sau Fong Leung Hong Kong 30/4/2019

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