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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Medical Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine Blockade of the mTOR signaling pathway with rapamycin ameliorates aristolochic acid nephropathy Ms. Lin Fan China 25/2/2020
Sciences, Medical European Radiology Distinguishing early-stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma from benign hyperplasia using intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted MRI Professor Ann King Hong Kong 22/3/2019
Sciences, Medical European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Neuro-physiological correlates of sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) symptoms in school-aged children Dr Cynthia Lai Hong Kong 27/5/2019
Sciences, Medical European Journal of Inflammation Pathophysiology of adhesive capsulitis of shoulder and the physiological effects of hyaluronan Dr Jianjun Li   China 15/12/2017
Sciences, Medical European Journal of Nutrition Higher serum carotenoids associated with improvement of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in adults: a prospective study Professor Yuming Chen China 29/3/2018
Sciences, Medical European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics Study of double-targeting nanoparticles loaded with MCL-1 siRNA and dexamethasone for adjuvant-induced arthritis therapy Dr. Xiangyu Li China 15/6/2020
Sciences, Medical European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Localization of peripheral pulmonary lesions to aid surgical resection: a novel approach for electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopic dye marking Dr Kongjia Luo China 28/4/2017
Sciences, Medical BMJ Open Acupuncture for stable angina pectoris: a systematic review protocol Dr Mingxiao Yang Hong Kong 4/4/2018
Sciences, Medical Clinica Chimica Acta Circulating miR-3197 and miR-2116-5p as novel biomarkers for diabetic retinopathy Dr Liyuan Han China 31/10/2019
Sciences, Medical Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research Analgesic effects of Marasmius androsaceus mycelia ethanol extract and possible mechanisms in mice Ms Xue Wang China 1/3/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Medical Education Facilitating learning of community-based rehabilitation through problem-based learning in higher education Prof. Eva Chung Hong Kong 21/11/2019
Sciences, Medical Clinical Cardiology Sleep study-guided multidisciplinary therapy (SGMT) for patients with acute coronary syndrome: Trial rationale and design Professor Ronald Lee Singapore 26/3/2018
Sciences, Medical Epidemiology & Infection Probable transmission routes of the influenza virus in a nosocomial outbreak Ms Vicky Xiao Hong Kong 6/5/2018
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Sports Medicine Increased leisure-time physical activity associated with lower onset of diabetes in 44 828 adults with impaired fasting glucose: a population-based prospective cohort study Professor Xiang Qian Lao    Hong Kong 13/1/2018
Sciences, Medical BMC Oral Health The association between nutritive, non-nutritive sucking habits and primary dental occlusion Dr Yanqi Yang Hong Kong 22/8/2018
Sciences, Medical Complementary Therapies in Medicine Tai Chi practice on prefrontal oxygenation levels in older adults: A pilot study Dr William Tsang Hong Kong 6/11/2018
Sciences, Medical Endoscopic Ultrasound EUS-FNA using 22G nitinol or ProCore needles without on-site cytopathology Dr Charing Chong    Hong Kong 15/2/2018
Sciences, Medical Bone Higher dietary carotenoid intake associated with lower risk of hip fracture in middle-aged and elderly Chinese: A matched case-control study Professor Yuming Chen China 29/3/2018
Sciences, Medical British Journal of Pharmacology The brain-penetrating, orally bioavailable, ghrelin receptor agonist HM01 ameliorates motion-induced emesis in Suncus murinus (house musk shrew) Professor John Rudd Hong Kong 13/11/2019
Sciences, Medical Clinical Nutrition Mining Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium for organisms with long-term gut colonization potential Dr Qixiao Zhai China 23/5/2019

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