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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Sciences, Earth & Space Air Pollution in Eastern Asia: An Integrated Perspective Photochemical Smog in Southern China: A Synthesis of Observations and Model Investigations of the Sources and Effects of Nitrous Acid Professor Tao Wang Hong Kong 19/8/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space American Mineralogist Kaolinization of 2:1 type clay minerals with different swelling properties Mr. Shangying Li China 29/4/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Temporal and spatial variations of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites Dr May Chui Hong Kong 27/2/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Advances in Meteorology A New Vortex Initialization Scheme Coupled with WRF-ARW Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 1/3/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Aerosol and Air Quality Research Trend in Fine Sulfate Concentrations and the Associated Secondary Formation Processes at an Urban Site in North China Dr Xinfeng Wang China 17/10/2017
Sciences, Earth & Space Acta Oceanologica Sinica A quantitative evaluation of the factors influencing the air-sea carbon dioxide transfer velocity Ms Tan Yu China 16/11/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Acta Oceanologica Sinica Seasonal prediction skills of FIO-ESM for North Pacific sea surface temperature and precipitation Mr Yiding Zhao China 22/2/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Acta Astronautica Personal value diversity in confinement and isolation: Pilot study results from the 180-day CELSS integration experiment Ms Qianying Ma China 7/12/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Atmosphere Effects of Aerosols on Radiative Forcing and Climate Over East Asia With Different SO2 Emissions Dr Xiaoning Xie China 28/7/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Water Supply Comparison of invertebrate removal by traditional-BAC and pre-BAC treatment processes: verification in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant Dr Hongbin Chen  China 8/1/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Water and Environment Journal Reflecting the environmental cost of greenhouse gas emissions from an urban water system in the water price Professor Ivy Chen Taiwan 13/8/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Urban Climate Investigation of the meteorological effects of urbanization in recent decades: A case study of major cities in Pearl River Delta Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 9/11/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Urban Climate Evaluation of uWRF performance and modeling guidance based on WUDAPT and NUDAPT UCP datasets for Hong Kong Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 28/4/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Urban Climate Remote sensing of urban thermal environments within local climate zones: A case study of two high-density subtropical Chinese cities Dr Yong Xu China 28/11/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space The Geographical Journal Claiming geothermal water: Critical legal geography and the scalar politics of hot spring development in China Dr Peng Li China 18/1/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Centrifuge modeling of batter pile foundations in laterally spreading soil Mr. Shuai Zhang China 30/4/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Centrifuge modeling of batter pile foundations in laterally spreading soil Mr. Shuai Zhang China 30/4/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of The Total Environment Iron-nitrogen co-doped carbon nanotubes decorated with Cu2O possess enhanced electronic properties for effective peroxymonosulfate activation Dr. Eric Tsang Hong Kong 10/8/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of The Total Environment Iron-nitrogen co-doped carbon nanotubes decorated with Cu2O possess enhanced electronic properties for effective peroxymonosulfate activation Dr. Eric Tsang Hong Kong 10/8/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Science of the Total Environment Nitrated phenols and the phenolic precursors in the atmosphere in urban Jinan, China Dr. Xinfeng Wang China 16/1/2020

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