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Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Nursing & Health Sciences Building and Environment Insufficient ventilation led to a probable long-range airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 on two buses Yuguo  Li  Hong Kong 2/10/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences Environmental Science & Technology Modeling and Experimental Validation of Microbial Transfer via Surface Touch Pengcheng  Zhao  Hong Kong 30/12/2020
Nursing & Health Sciences Diabetologia Habitual exercise is associated with reduced risk of diabetes regardless of air pollution: a longitudinal cohort study Xiang Qian  Lao  Hong Kong 4/3/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences Building and Environment Lack of cross-transmission of SARS-CoV-2 between passenger's cabins on the Diamond Princess cruise ship Yuguo  Li  Hong Kong 15/4/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Clustering of Poor Dietary Habits among Adolescents Aged 12 to 15 Years in 52 Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries Hui  Fan  China 18/9/2020
Nursing & Health Sciences International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Learning from COVID-19: Infectious Disease Vulnerability Promotes Pro-Environmental Behaviors Da  Jiang  Hong Kong 17/8/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care Teaching end-of-life communication: priorities, challenges, scope—systematic review Jack  Pun  Hong Kong 14/10/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire—short form in cancer patients: a Bayesian structural equation modeling approach Ted  Fong  Hong Kong 10/2/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences Journal of Sports Sciences Associations between meeting 24-hour movement guidelines and health in the early years: A systematic review and meta-analysis Jie  Feng  Hong Kong 28/6/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences Journal of Nursing Scholarship Contextualization of Psychological First Aid: An Integrative Literature Review Dr. Timothy Sim Hong Kong 21/1/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health A Comparison of Infection Venues of COVID-19 Case Clusters in Northeast China Pengcheng Zhao Hong Kong 6/3/2020
Nursing & Health Sciences Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities Interventions for health-related physical fitness and overweight and obesity in children with intellectual disability: Systematic review and meta-analysis Mrs. Aiwei Wang Hong Kong 20/4/2022
Nursing & Health Sciences Building and Environment Impact of intervention methods on COVID-19 transmission in Shenzhen Dr. Nan Zhang Hong Kong 2/7/2020
Nursing & Health Sciences BMC Nursing Factors associated with nurses’ perceptions, their communication skills and the quality of clinical handover in the Hong Kong context Jack Pun Hong Kong 11/6/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences Journal of Nursing Management Surviving an infectious disease outbreak: How does nurse calling influence performance during the COVID-19 fight? Prof. Jie Wang China 15/10/2020
Nursing & Health Sciences International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Government Intervention, Risk Perception, and the Adoption of Protective Action Recommendations: Evidence from the COVID-19 Prevention and Control Experience of China Dr. Hechao Jiang China 13/5/2020
Nursing & Health Sciences Globalization and Health Beyond the healthy immigrant paradox: decomposing differences in birthweight among immigrants in Spain Dr. Mikolaj Stanek Spain 24/9/2020
Nursing & Health Sciences Journal of Nursing Scholarship Contextualization of Psychological First Aid: An Integrative Literature Review Dr. Timothy Sim Hong Kong 21/1/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences Public Health Ethics Quarantines: Between Precaution and Necessity. A Look at COVID-19 Dr. Vera Lucia Raposo Macau 25/1/2021
Nursing & Health Sciences European Journal of Oncology Nursing Effect of a theory-driven educational intervention on the level of knowledge, attitudes, and assessment practices regarding breakthrough cancer pain (BTCP) management among medical nurses in Hong Kong Dr. Yuk Lai Kwok Hong Kong 1/6/2021

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