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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

Subject Area Journal Published Paper Author From Publication Date
Education International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction Barriers and benefits of primary caregivers' involvement in children's education during COVID-19 school closures XiaoZhang Hong Kong 11/9/2021
Education Sustainability Examining Online Discourse Using the Knowledge Connection Analyzer Framework and Collaborative Tools in Knowledge Building Yuqin  Yang  China 19/7/2021
Education Journal of Political Science Education Making the Most of Guest Experts: Breakout Rooms, Interviews, and Student Discussants Justin  Robertson  Hong Kong 11/6/2022
Education Visions of Sustainability for Arts Education Building Partnerships for Cultural Sustainability in Rural Schools: Action Plan for Arts Immersion in China Ning  Luo  Hong Kong 1/1/2022
Education Asia Pacific Education Review Revisiting religious higher education in China: comparative analysis of Furen University narratives Zhenzhou  Zhao  Hong Kong 19/11/2020
Education Frontiers in Psychology Planting a Seed of Experience – Long Term Effects of a Co-curricular Ecogarden-Based Program in Higher Education in Hong Kong Chi Chiu  Cheang  Hong Kong 15/1/2021
Education Thinking Skills and Creativity How should undergraduate students perceive knowledge as a product of human creation? Insights from a study on epistemic beliefs, intellectual risk-taking, and creativity Zhihong  Wan  Hong Kong 12/1/2021
Education International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism A reconceptualisation of native speakerism: ethnic return migrants and LOTE learning in South Korea Mun Woo  Lee  Korea 13/4/2021
Education Children & Society Kindergarten Education Scheme in Hong Kong: Policy measures, rhizomatic connections and early childhood teacher education Gail  Yuen  Hong Kong 7/11/2020
Education British Journal of Educational Technology Self-directed reflective assessment for collective empowerment among pre-service teachers Yuqin  Yang  China 11/10/2020
Education Educational Technology Research and Development Exploring the use of technology among newly arrived children in Hong Kong: from an e-sports and cultural capital perspective Miaoting  Cheng  China 15/6/2022
Education Journal of Science Education and Technology STEM Teachers’ Preparation, Teaching Beliefs, and Perceived Teaching Competence: a Multigroup Structural Equation Approach Mingming  Zhou  Macau 10/11/2020
Education Assessing Writing Improving student feedback literacy in academic writing: An evidence-based framework Colin  Yu Shulin  Macau 2/2/2021
Education Education and Information Technologies Determinants predicting undergraduates’ intention to adopt e-learning for studying english in chinese higher education context: A structural equation modelling approach Chunming  Li  China 1/3/2021
Education Education and Information Technologies Problem formulation in computational thinking development for nurturing creative problem solvers in primary School Fanny  Kong  Hong Kong 3/6/2022
Education Interactive Learning Environments Student engagement in K-12 online learning amid COVID-19: A qualitative approach from a self-determination theory perspective Thomas  Chiu  Hong Kong 25/5/2021
Education Research in Science & Technological Education Meaning making in collaborative practical work: a case study of multimodal challenges in a Year 10 chemistry classroom Jack  Pun  Hong Kong 8/3/2021
Education Early Childhood Research Quarterly Kindergarteners’ spatial skills and their reading and math achievement in second grade Dr. Bi Ying Hu Macau 13/7/2021
Education BMC Medical Education A study of Chinese medical students’ communication pattern in delivering bad news: an ethnographic discourse analysis approach Jack Pun Hong Kong 19/5/2021
Education Journal of Education for Business The dark side of personal response systems (PRSs): Boredom, feedback, perceived learning, learning satisfaction Mr. Simon Chan Hong Kong 24/11/2020

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