Don't let English affect your chances of getting published!

Journal Paper Writing Technique Infobite 8: Writing The Method Section

18 May 2020

Method section describes what you did in detail. It allows others to evaluate your research, and replicate or extend your study.

In this video, we will share how to write a good method section for your quantitative study, including what information you should mention.

About the Journal Paper Writing Technique Infobite Series

This series of short but informative videos is written by our Assistant Chief Editor, Dr Rachel Baron, based on her academic background and years of professional experience in helping non-native English-speaking researchers succeed in publishing. It consists of 20 individual video clips covering useful tips to improve the presentation and delivery of your journal paper. A new Infobite will be published around every 2-3 weeks across 2019.

Watch the other infobites in the series.


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