How it works

Chinese to English

Translations from Chinese to English include a round of editing by one of our highly skilled and professional English-speaking editors to ensure the highest quality.

English Editor

English toChinese

Translations from Chinese to English include a round of review by a bilingual professional to ensure the highest quality.

Quality Control


Translation Samples

  • Chinese to English
  • English to Chinese
  • Source

  • Translated

  • Translated + Edited

  • Source

  • Translated

  • Translated + Edited



Service times vary but we generally return
documents of up to 2,000 words or characters
within 4 days.

Translation Service

Unit price

  • Simplified Chinese>EnglishHK$0.75 per character
  • Traditional Chinese > EnglishHK$0.75 per character
  • English > Simplified ChineseHK$0.75 per character
  • English > Traditional ChineseHK$0.75 per character



  • Why is the cost per word for Chinese to English translation much higher than for English to Chinese?

    All translations from Chinese to English include an additional round of professional English editing by one of our highly-skilled and experienced native English-speaking editors to ensure the highest quality.

  • Apart from Chinese and English, do you offer translation services in any other languages?

    Our expertise lies in translations from Chinese to English and English to Chinese. We can work on both traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese.

  • How long will it take to translate my document?

    In general we are able to return documents of up to 2,000 words or characters within 4 days. For documents over 2,000 words or characters, we will specify a return schedule on a case-by-case basis when we send you a quote.

  • Do you have a minimum order value for your translation service?

    Yes, our minimum order value for any translation service is HK$300 (or equivalent amount in other currencies).

  • What should I do if I think some parts of the translation are not perfectly accurate?

    You may inform our client support team with which parts of the translation you are not satisfied and clarify the original meaning of those parts, if necessary. We will then check with the translator and see if we can work together to make improvements.


Translation Types

We understand that the translation needs to be tailored to the intended use of the document. While we always follow your instructions, guidelines, or stylebook, we broadly work with the following categories of documents:

Administrative & Promotional

  • Advertisements

  • Biographies

  • Newsletters

  • Referral Letters

  • Social Media Copy

  • Video Scripts

  • Announcements

  • Brochures

  • Promotion Applications

  • Reports

  • Speeches

  • Website Copy


Meet our Translators

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