서비스에 대한 약속

청중을 고려한 결과물

행정 및 홍보 자료를 편집할 때 의도한 독자층에 적합한 표현을 사용하여 핵심적인 내용이 올바른 어조로 전달되도록 하는 데 중점을 둡니다. 학생 평가, 이력서, 중요한 교수진 행사 보고서, 자세한 프로그램 설명 또는 간략한 웹사이트 요약 등 어떤 문서를 편집하든, 우리 편집자들은 관련성이 효과적인 의사소통의 핵심이라는 것을 이해하고 있습니다.


Audience-Appropriate Results

When editing administrative and promotional material, we focus on ensuring that your core message is conveyed in the right tone using expressions appropriate for the intended readership. Whether working on student testimonials, CVs, reports of important faculty events, detailed programme descriptions or brief website summaries, our editors understand that relevance is the key to effective communication.

  • 1900

    Papers Edited


  • 200


    supported in 20 countries.

  • 500+

    Authors Served


  • 700+

    Editing hours


사례 연구

홍보 및 행정 관련 문서

  • 100% 기밀 유지

    우리는 클라이언트의 지적 재산, 저작권 및 개인 정보를 보호하기 위해 문서의 기밀을 보장합니다. 요청 시 기밀 유지 계약에 서명합니다.

  • 유동적인 마감 기한

    우리는 1년 362일 편집 작업을 스케줄하고 시작하며 모든 일정에 맞는 다양한 마감 기한 옵션을 제공합니다. 필요한 경우 밤새 최대 8,000 단어로 구성된 논문을 편집할 수 있습니다.

  • 품질 보증

    우리는 편집 후에 원고에 수정 사항이 없는 상태로 유지되었지만 영어 관련 문제로 저널에서 원고가 거부되는 경우 무료로 재편집을 제공할 것을 보장합니다.

Magazine Editing for PolyU (“Milestones”)

카테고리: 홍보 및 행정 자료

The Communications and Public Affairs Office at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University approached AsiaEdit in 2010 to work on its PolyU Milestones magazine. We initially edited the magazine twice a ...

Promotional Brochure Editing for CityU

카테고리: 홍보 및 행정 자료

As an emerging unit spanning two rapidly changing fields, the Department of Biology and Chemistry at the City University of Hong Kong realised the need for a promotional brochure. AsiaEdit was cal...

Newsletter Editing for Lingnan University Since 2012

카테고리: 홍보 및 행정 자료

As a major publication featuring Lingnan University’s efforts in international education, Lingnan Link is a key way in which the University promotes the global reach of its liberal arts educationa...

Large-Scale Editing Projects for EdUHK

카테고리: 홍보 및 행정 자료

Quality is critical at all levels of academia. In early 2014 the Registry Office at the then Hong Kong Institute of Education contacted AsiaEdit to work on responses to an institutional review and...

Prospectus Editing for PolyU Since 2003

카테고리: 홍보 및 행정 자료

For almost 20 years, AsiaEdit has ensured that students at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have access to clear and concise information in their prospectuses. Starting with the final hardcopy...

  • I have used AsiaEdit services twice and both times the work was completed on time. I was very satisfied with the editing quality and the attention to detail. The referees of the journal also praised the elegant and idiomatic English of my articles. I particularly appreciated the efficient communication of th...

    Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta

    Hong Kong Baptist University
  • I have been working with AsiaEdit for over five years and enjoy their professional service very much! The support team is very friendly and always supportive; I usually get a reply within one hour. I like the service level options, which allow me to choose the turn-around time to accommodate my working sched...

    Dr Yinni Peng

    Hong Kong Baptist University
  • AsiaEdit offers quality work with a range of return speed options to suit my needs. Their email updates keep me informed of the progress of my work and the workflow is simple and convenient.

    Dr Bei Zhao

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • On top of editing the main body, if requested AsiaEdit service also includes working on text references and the reference list, as well as following style guidelines. This saves me valuable time that I am able to devote to research and other pressing issues. They also offer flexible payment methods to settle...

    Dr Louisa Chung

    The Education University of Hong Kong
  • AsiaEdit offer quality work, completed to schedule and at a reasonable cost. They are reliable and respond to enquires 7 days a week. On top of that I can earn discount coupons for referring colleagues and when it comes to payment I just pass the invoice to my University to settle for me. I am happy to recom...

    Dr Rainbow Ho

    The University of Hong Kong
  • Having used AsiaEdit since 2012 I find that their work is of a high standard, explained in part by documents being edited and checked by different editors. Their affable staff answer enquires and questions quickly, which is often reassuring when a deadline looms. Finally I am able to earn discount coupons by...

    Dr Qi Li

    Tongji University
  • The team at AsiaEdit does their best to assist with special requests and can also work to style guidelines. The overall standard of work is good and they meet agreed deadlines. I an happy to recommend them to others looking for a reliable partner in the publication process.

    Ms Kelly Chang

    National Taiwan University
  • I have been using AsiaEdit’s services for more than ten years. I have always been highly satisfied with their work. They are fast, punctual and highly professional. The prices are reasonable.

    Professor Gabor Ungvari

    The University of Western Australia
  • The most important thing about your service is the higher editing quality, compared with other vendors I have used. I also really appreciate the regular email updates as my paper is processed. The reasonable cost should also be mentioned.

    Dr Xinzheng Shi

    Tsinghua University
  • AsiaEdit makes the effort to read my papers word by word, line by line, and gives the best possible recommendations to improve the text.

    Dr Will Ma

    Hong Kong Shue Yan University
  • Quickly dealing with enquires every day of the week and email updates as my work progresses through your editing process.Great communication!

    Ms Ruth Chau

    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta

I have used AsiaEdit services twice and both times the work was completed on time. I was very satisfied with the editing quality and the attention to detail. The referees of the journal also praised the elegant and idiomatic English of my articles. I particularly appreciated the efficient communication of the team and the regular email updates that I received as my paper was processed. I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for quality academic editing services.

Dr Yinni Peng

I have been working with AsiaEdit for over five years and enjoy their professional service very much! The support team is very friendly and always supportive; I usually get a reply within one hour. I like the service level options, which allow me to choose the turn-around time to accommodate my working schedule and budget. The editors are very professional as they not only provide English proofreading services, but also work on the manuscript format and reference style. Paying for their professional service is also very convenient - just click on the Paypal link. I have already referred AsiaEdit to my colleagues and academic friends.

Dr Bei Zhao

AsiaEdit offers quality work with a range of return speed options to suit my needs. Their email updates keep me informed of the progress of my work and the workflow is simple and convenient.

Dr Louisa Chung

On top of editing the main body, if requested AsiaEdit service also includes working on text references and the reference list, as well as following style guidelines. This saves me valuable time that I am able to devote to research and other pressing issues. They also offer flexible payment methods to settle their reasonable fees.

Dr Rainbow Ho

AsiaEdit offer quality work, completed to schedule and at a reasonable cost. They are reliable and respond to enquires 7 days a week. On top of that I can earn discount coupons for referring colleagues and when it comes to payment I just pass the invoice to my University to settle for me. I am happy to recommend their services.

Dr Qi Li

Having used AsiaEdit since 2012 I find that their work is of a high standard, explained in part by documents being edited and checked by different editors. Their affable staff answer enquires and questions quickly, which is often reassuring when a deadline looms. Finally I am able to earn discount coupons by referring their service to colleagues, which I am happy to do.

Ms Kelly Chang

The team at AsiaEdit does their best to assist with special requests and can also work to style guidelines. The overall standard of work is good and they meet agreed deadlines. I an happy to recommend them to others looking for a reliable partner in the publication process.

Professor Gabor Ungvari

I have been using AsiaEdit's services for more than ten years. I have always been highly satisfied with their work. They are fast, punctual and highly professional. The prices are reasonable.

Dr Xinzheng Shi

The most important thing about your service is the higher editing quality, compared with other vendors I have used. I also really appreciate the regular email updates as my paper is processed. The reasonable cost should also be mentioned.

Dr Will Ma

AsiaEdit makes the effort to read my papers word by word, line by line, and gives the best possible recommendations to improve the text.

Ms Ruth Chau

Quickly dealing with enquires every day of the week and email updates as my work progresses through your editing process.Great communication!


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