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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學 -生命 Frontiers in Microbiology A Surface Protein From Lactobacillus plantarum Increases the Adhesion of Lactobacillus Strains to Human Epithelial Cells Dr Guangqiang Wang China 22/11/2018
科學 -生命 Food & Function The impact of different levels of cysteine on the plasma metabolomics and intestinal microflora of sows from late pregnancy to lactation Dr Gang Liu China 5/1/2019
科學 -生命 Food & Function A surface-layer protein from Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM induces autophagic death in HCT116 cells requiring ROS-mediated modulation of mTOR and JNK signaling pathways Dr Huifang Wang China 21/6/2019
科學 -生命 Food Bioscience Influence of 4 lactic acid bacteria on the flavor profile of fermented apple juice Dr Chen Chen China 15/11/2018
科學 -生命 Frontiers in Microbiology Dietary Quercetin Increases Colonic Microbial Diversity and Attenuates Colitis Severity in Citrobacter rodentium-Infected Mice Dr Rui Lin China 16/5/2019
科學 -生命 FEMS Microbiology Letters A class II hydrophobin gene, Trhfb3, participates in fungal asexual development of Trichoderma reesei Dr Ronglin He China 24/12/2016
科學 -生命 Food & Function Varied doses and chemical forms of selenium supplementation differentially affect mouse intestinal physiology Dr Qixiao Zhai China 5/8/2019
科學 -生命 Food and Agricultural Immunology Analgesic effects of astilbin partially via calcium channels through regulation on CaMKII Mr Lanzhou Li China 1/3/2019
科學 -生命 Frontiers in Microbiology The Role of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenases in NADPH Supply in the Oleaginous Filamentous Fungus Mortierella alpina Dr. Haiqin Chen China 28/4/2020
科學 -生命 European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics Near-infrared light-responsive, pramipexole-loaded biodegradable PLGA microspheres for therapeutic use in Parkinson's disease Mr Shuang Li China 14/5/2019
科學 -生命 Food & Function Lactobacillus casei LC2W can inhibit the colonization of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in vivo and reduce the severity of colitis Dr Guangqiang Wang China 13/8/2019
科學 -生命 Food and Agricultural Immunology Aronia melanocarpa ameliorates gout and hyperuricemia in animal models Mr Zhuqian Wang China 19/11/2018
科學 -生命 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Effect of Modulating Activity of DLPFC and Gender on Search Behavior: A tDCS Experiment Ms Xiaolan Yang China 21/8/2018
科學 -生命 Current Protein & Peptide Science MicroRNA Determines the Fate of Intestinal Epithelial Cell Differentiation and Regulates Intestinal Diseases Dr Gang Liu China 1/1/2019
科學 -生命 Environmental Science & Technology Letters Effects of Dietary Selenium Supplementation on Intestinal Barrier and Immune Responses Associated with Its Modulation of Gut Microbiota Dr Qixiao Zhai China 26/11/2018
科學 -生命 Environment International Integrated aquaculture contributes to the transfer of mcr-1 between animals and humans via the aquaculture supply chain Professor Yuebin Ke China 12/6/2019
科學 -生命 Environmental Pollution Seasonal variation and the distribution of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in various matrices affected by algae in the eutrophic water environment of the pearl river delta, China☆ Professor King Ming Chan Hong Kong
科學 -生命 Cytotechnology Analysis of toxicity effects of Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure on human bronchial epithelial 16HBE cells Professor Yuebin Ke China 8/7/2017
科學 -生命 Environmental Research Emissions of fine particulate nitrated phenols from various on-road vehicles in China Dr. Xinfeng Wang China 28/8/2019
科學 -生命 Environmental Geochemistry and Health Antibiotic distribution, risk assessment, and microbial diversity in river water and sediment in Hong Kong Dr Wen Jing Deng Hong Kong 29/3/2018

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