

我們舉辦了一系列為時 90 分鐘的研討會,涵蓋所有關鍵的學術寫作技巧和格式。點選下面的菜單或聯繫我們討論定制計劃。


  • 學術寫作中常見的語法錯誤
  • 清晰的摘要和摘要
  • 使用複雜的結構
  • 學術主題寫作
  • 清晰地表達想法
  • 發展你的寫作風格
  • 正規寫作
  • 正確的引文和參考文獻


  • 期刊論文寫作
  • GRF 提案撰寫
  • 令人信服的簡歷寫作
  • 高效且有效的電子郵件寫作



  • I would highly recommend the AsiaEdit service to all academicians as the company provides high quality and timely English editing service even during grant proposal writing periods, and the cost is reasonable. In addition, the payment method is flexible, the professional team is friendly and responds to questions and inquiries quickly.

    Dr. Shirley Fong

    The University of Hong Kong

  • Timely and professional editing. The formatting service according to specific journals' guidelines has saved a lot of my time.

    Dr Ada Wong

    Lingnan University

  • The AsiaEdit team react quickly to my enquires and provide good quality editing. Their cost is reasonable and they accept payments directly from my University, which simplifies things for me.

    Professor Shiva Shivakumar

    London Business School

  • As an academic in China I find it very easy to communicate using Wechat and QQ and the recent acceptance of payments through Wechat Wallet is very welcome! Discounts for referring colleagues help with my budget too.

    Dr Lin Chen

    Shandong University

  • I was recommended by one of my colleagues who had several successful experiences with your trustworthy team. I think your work is very professional and efficient. Communication is fluent and timely, which impresses me and results in a good user experience.

    Dr Yanting Guo

    Zhejiang University

  • I have been using the services provided by AsiaEdit over the years, and the quality of their editing far exceeds my expectations. I find their work professional, efficient, and most importantly, outstanding in terms of quality. I have recommended their services to my colleagues and will continue to do so.

    Dr Frederick Yim

    Hong Kong Baptist University

“Participants found the workshop practical, insightful and easy to follow. We shall be running another workshop to cater for the overwhelming demand.”



Ms. Gabrielle Wong

Head of Research Support Services
University Library

“The participants are now better able to plan and structure their writing, effectively describe data and its implications and conform with academic writing norms…we will certainly be running this workshop again.”


Dr. Jinsoo Lee

Associate Professor
School of Hotel and Tourism Management



  • Nick Case


    Nick 自 1995 年以來一直在香港進行培訓。他最初在香港中文大學專業進修學院開設英語交流課程,之後為各行各業的企業和政府組織開發定制課程。

    近年來,Nick 與 Mike Poole 博士合作設計了一系列工作坊,以幫助早期職業學者克服寫作障礙,令更有效地在紙上表達自己的想法。



  • I have used AsiaEdit for four years. Following their excellent work my papers are ready for publication. I'd like to thank them very much!

    Dr Yuqin Huang

    Central University of Finance and Economics

  • AsiaEdit makes the effort to read my papers word by word, line by line, and gives the best possible recommendations to improve the text.

    Dr Will Ma

    Hong Kong Shue Yan University

  • AsiaEdit service is fast, reliable and professional. I can always get my English-language manuscript proofread and polished without worry.

    Ms Rosa Sung

    The University of Hong Kong

  • AsiaEdit offers quality work with a range of return speed options to suit my needs. Their email updates keep me informed of the progress of my work and the workflow is simple and convenient.

    Dr Bei Zhao

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • The approachable people at AsiaEdit always respond to me quickly, assist with style guideline formatting and complete work on time. I'm happy to recommend their service.

    Professor Xiaosui Xiao

    Hong Kong Baptist University

  • AsiaEdit can almost be considered as insurance when submitting my academic papers: if the journal reviewer questions my English grammar AsiaEdit will quickly respond, and an editing certificate can be provided when needed at no charge. Last but not least, AsiaEdit is a friendly team with good communication, editing work returned is good quality and completed on time.

    Mr Jimmy Chen

    City University of Hong Kong

  • The editing offered is high in quality and the administrative team works with our finance office in flexible and efficient ways. Wonderful.

    Dr Ming-Tak Hue

    The Education University of Hong Kong

  • I have been using AsiaEdit services to help prepare my journal papers for publication. The editing quality is good, they respond to queries quickly and return documents on time. I am happy to refer their services to other academic colleagues.

    Mr Larry Lee

    National Central University

  • My experience with AsiaEdit has been a pleasant one. The best part of their service, as far as I felt it, was their prompt response to suit clients' needs. In my case, I particularly appreciated them delegating the editing of my manuscript (a book on an interdisciplinary topic in applied linguistics and cognitive science) to native-English-speaking editors with similar backgrounds. That was exactly what I needed the most during the final stage of my book! Of course, I also like their idea of having a project manager to oversee progress and monitor the editing quality (before returning the edited version to me), which allowed me to rest assured. The charge wasrelatively high, but still quite reasonable and acceptable, particularly given the quality of service and the high cost of Hong Kong. Overall, I am grateful for their prompt and quality service and would highly recommend it to colleagues!

    Dr Edward Wen

    Macau Polytechnic Institute

  • I found AsiaEdit through an internet search. At the time I had just received feedback of minor revision for our manuscript from a journal editor. The key request was for language polishing and the editor gave us two weeks for the revision. After comparing several language editing companies, we decided to gave AsiaEdit a try due to their reasonable price and fast turnaround time. It turned out that we were very satisfied with the quality of the service and the manuscript was successfully accepted for publication. AsiaEdit staff are enthusiastic and they follow a professional working procedure. More importantly, each manuscript will usually be worked on by one experienced editor and then checked by another senior member of staff. For this reason, I have strongly recommended AsiaEdit to my colleagues.

    Dr Yong Zhang

    Jilin University

  • The AsiaEdit team react quickly to my enquires and provide good quality editing. Their cost is reasonable and they accept payments directly from my University, which simplifies things for me.

    Professor Shiva Shivakumar

    London Business School

Dr Yuqin Huang

I have used AsiaEdit for four years. Following their excellent work my papers are ready for publication. I'd like to thank them very much!

Dr Will Ma

AsiaEdit makes the effort to read my papers word by word, line by line, and gives the best possible recommendations to improve the text.

Ms Rosa Sung

AsiaEdit service is fast, reliable and professional. I can always get my English-language manuscript proofread and polished without worry.

Dr Bei Zhao

AsiaEdit offers quality work with a range of return speed options to suit my needs. Their email updates keep me informed of the progress of my work and the workflow is simple and convenient.

Professor Xiaosui Xiao

The approachable people at AsiaEdit always respond to me quickly, assist with style guideline formatting and complete work on time. I'm happy to recommend their service.

Mr Jimmy Chen

AsiaEdit can almost be considered as insurance when submitting my academic papers: if the journal reviewer questions my English grammar AsiaEdit will quickly respond, and an editing certificate can be provided when needed at no charge. Last but not least, AsiaEdit is a friendly team with good communication, editing work returned is good quality and completed on time.

Dr Ming-Tak Hue

The editing offered is high in quality and the administrative team works with our finance office in flexible and efficient ways. Wonderful.

Mr Larry Lee

I have been using AsiaEdit services to help prepare my journal papers for publication. The editing quality is good, they respond to queries quickly and return documents on time. I am happy to refer their services to other academic colleagues.

Dr Edward Wen

My experience with AsiaEdit has been a pleasant one. The best part of their service, as far as I felt it, was their prompt response to suit clients' needs. In my case, I particularly appreciated them delegating the editing of my manuscript (a book on an interdisciplinary topic in applied linguistics and cognitive science) to native-English-speaking editors with similar backgrounds. That was exactly what I needed the most during the final stage of my book! Of course, I also like their idea of having a project manager to oversee progress and monitor the editing quality (before returning the edited version to me), which allowed me to rest assured. The charge wasrelatively high, but still quite reasonable and acceptable, particularly given the quality of service and the high cost of Hong Kong. Overall, I am grateful for their prompt and quality service and would highly recommend it to colleagues!

Dr Yong Zhang

I found AsiaEdit through an internet search. At the time I had just received feedback of minor revision for our manuscript from a journal editor. The key request was for language polishing and the editor gave us two weeks for the revision. After comparing several language editing companies, we decided to gave AsiaEdit a try due to their reasonable price and fast turnaround time. It turned out that we were very satisfied with the quality of the service and the manuscript was successfully accepted for publication. AsiaEdit staff are enthusiastic and they follow a professional working procedure. More importantly, each manuscript will usually be worked on by one experienced editor and then checked by another senior member of staff. For this reason, I have strongly recommended AsiaEdit to my colleagues.

Professor Shiva Shivakumar

The AsiaEdit team react quickly to my enquires and provide good quality editing. Their cost is reasonable and they accept payments directly from my University, which simplifies things for me.