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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
教育 Research in Science Education Inquiry Science Learning and Teaching: a Comparison Between the Conceptions and Attitudes of Pre-service Elementary Teachers in Hong Kong and the United States Dr Yeung Chung Lee   Hong Kong 20/1/2018
教育 Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia Gender and schooling in Asia: Prospects and challenges Dr Anita Chan Hong Kong 5/11/2018
教育 Research in Science Education Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching a New Topic: More Than Teaching Experience and Subject Matter Knowledge Dr Kennedy Chan Hong Kong 17/3/2017
教育 Research in Science Education An Exploratory Study of Teacher Development in the Implementation of Integrated Science Curriculum Professor Bing Wei Macau 15/9/2018
教育 Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders Knowledge, attitude and professional self-efficacy of Chinese mainstream primary school teachers regarding children with autism spectrum disorder Mr Minghui Lu China 27/1/2020
教育 Research in Developmental Disabilities The effects of reading mode and braille reading patterns on braille reading speed and comprehension: A study of students with visual impairments in China Mr Minghui Lu China 22/6/2019
教育 Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives Critical incidents as a reflective tool for professional development: an experience with in-service teachers Dr Flora Yu Hong Kong 15/11/2018
教育 Research Evaluation The impact of Ph.D. funding on time to Ph.D. completion Mr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 15/2/2019
教育 Reading and Writing Differences between the relationship of L1 learners’ performance in integrated writing with both independent listening and independent reading cognitive skills Dr. Choo Mui Cheong Hong Kong 16/12/2017
教育 Reading and Writing Writing motivation and performance in Chinese children Dr Pui-sze Yeung Hong Kong 16/7/2019
教育 Psychology in the Schools Examining the relationship between grit and academic achievement within K‐12 and higher education: A systematic review Dr Mingming Zhou Macau 22/9/2019
教育 Psychology in the Schools Measuring Efficacy Sources: Development and Validation of the Sources of Teacher Efficacy Questionnaire (STEQ) for Chinese Teachers Ms Cathy Hoi Macau 24/4/2017
教育 Psychology in the Schools From reading strategy instruction to student reading achievement: The mediating role of student motivational factors Dr Gaowei Chen Hong Kong 12/12/2018
人文学科 PLOS One Measuring the tilt and slant of Chinese handwriting in primary school students: A computerized approach Ms Monica Li Hong Kong 11/4/2019
教育 PLOS ONE Shark Conservation: An Educational Approach Based on Children’s Knowledge and Perceptions toward Sharks Dr Samuel Tsoi Kwok Ho Hong Kong 29/9/2016
人文学科 PLOS ONE Music training is associated with cortical synchronization reflected in EEG coherence during verbal memory encoding Professor Mei-Chun Cheung Hong Kong 30/3/2017
教育 Pedagogy, Culture & Society An examination of language teachers’ enactment of curriculum materials in the context of a centralised curriculum Dr Zhan Li Hong Kong 21/12/2016
法律与法理学 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion Jediism: Religion at Law? Mr Tommy Cheung Hong Kong 5/6/2019
教育 New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development Young Chinese Children's Academic Skill Development: Identifying Child-, Family-, and School-Level Factors Dr Xiao Zhang Hong Kong 1/7/2019
教育 Online Information Review A bibliometric analysis of emergency management using information systems (2000-2016) Dr Samuel Chu Hong Kong 14/8/2017

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