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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-社會 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Development of the Cybercrime Rapid Identification Tool for Adolescents Dr. Simon Fung Hong Kong 30/6/2020
科學-社會 International Journal of Information Management Audience management, online turbulence and lurking in social networking services: A transactional process of stress perspective Dr. Yun Zhang China 9/11/2020
科學-社會 Tourism Geographies Health and local food consumption in cross-cultural tourism mobility: an assemblage approach Dr. Qingming Cui China 30/12/2020
科學-社會 The British Journal of Sociology Profile of the super rich in China: A social space analysis Dr. Xiaoguang Fan China 10/5/2021
科學-社會 Mobile Media & Communication Re-domesticating social media when it becomes disruptive: Evidence from China’s “super app” WeChat Ms. Ying Huang China 21/7/2020
科學-社會 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health A Qualitative Inquiry into the Human Library Approach: Facilitating Social Inclusion and Promoting Recovery Dr. Ricky Kwan Hong Kong 27/4/2020
科學-社會 Chinese Journal of Sociology Neighborhood socioeconomic status, relative household income and life satisfaction of Chinese mainland migrants in Hong Kong Dr. Zhouni Zhang Hong Kong 7/4/2022
科學-社會 Population, Space and Place The different effects of the determinants of urbanisation on state-sponsored and spontaneous urbanisation in Fujian Province of China Prof. Jianfa Shen Hong Kong 19/8/2020
科學-社會 Journal of Inter-Organizational Relationships Control mechanisms and role performance: The moderating effects of social interaction Dr. Liping Qian China 1/3/2021
科學-社會 Pacific Focus China's Normative Foreign Policy and Its Multilateral Engagement in Asia Dr. Weiqing Song Macau 28/8/2020
科學-社會 British Journal of Industrial Relations Bottom-Up Unionization in China: A Power Resources Analysis Dr. Elaine Hui USA 2/2/2021
科學-社會 Animals The Escalating Effects of Wildlife Tourism on Human–Wildlife Conflict Dr. Qingming Cui China 12/5/2021
科學-社會 Journal of Travel Research Mitigating Tourism Social Costs during a Pandemic: Evaluating Residents’ Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions Ms. Shirley Mak Hong Kong 2/4/2021
科學-社會 Public Relations Review When public relations meets social media: A systematic review of social media related public relations research from 2006 to 2020 Dr. Yuan Wang Hong Kong 29/6/2021
科學-社會 Journal of China Tourism Research Emotional Labor of Frontline Employees: Generational Differences and Intention to Stay Dr. Deniz Kucukusta Hong Kong 26/12/2020
科學-社會 Journal of Social Issues Labor Market Outcomes of Professional Women with Two Children after the One-Child Policy in China Ms. Yang Shen China 22/7/2020
科學-社會 Journal of Criminal Justice Sexual murderers' choice of weapons: Examining sexual homicides committed by males in China Dr. Oliver Chan Hong Kong 17/6/2020
科學-社會 Chinese Political Science Review Telling the China Story Well: A Discursive Approach to the Analysis of Chinese Foreign Policy in the ìBelt and Roadî Initiative Dr. Weiqing Song Macau 12/4/2020
科學-社會 Journalism Studies Who Leads the IPO News: Agenda-Building and Intermedia Agenda-Setting in a Routinised and Standardised News Context Dr. Meily Cheung Hong Kong 8/7/2020
科學-社會 Sustainability Communication with Local Officials, Self-Efficacy, and Individual Disaster Preparedness: A Case Study of Rural Northwestern China Dr. Timothy Sim Hong Kong 2/7/2020

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