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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-社會 Ageing & Society Contradictory and consistent views on designing an inclusive community-based centre for older people: a mixed-methods study of different age groups in China Ms Yuanhong Ma Hong Kong 5/3/2019
科學-社會 American Behavioral Scientist Foundations in China: From Statist to Corporatist Professor Kinman Chan Hong Kong 5/2/2018
科學-社會 Accident Analysis & Prevention Risks to pedestrians in traffic systems with unfamiliar driving rules: a virtual reality approach Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 30/4/2020
科學-社會 Across Languages and Cultures A polysystemist’s response to prescriptive cultural relativism and postcolonialism Professor Nam-fung Chang Hong Kong 6/1/2017
科學-社會 Accident Analysis & Prevention Temporal patterns of driving fatigue and driving performance among male taxi drivers in Hong Kong: A driving simulator approach Professor SC Wong    Hong Kong 25/1/2019

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