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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-社會 Journal of Refugee Studies Empowerment in the Asylum-seeker Regime? The Roles of Policies, the Non-profit Sector and Refugee Community Organizations in Hong Kong Dr. Pui-Yan Flora Lau Hong Kong 11/6/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Organizational Behavior Does homesickness undermine the potential of job resources? A perspective from the work–home resources model Dr Chang-qin Lu    China 27/6/2017
科學-社會 Journal of Organizational Behavior Good marriage at home, creativity at work: Family–work enrichment effect on workplace creativity Professor Xu Huang Hong Kong 19/1/2017
科學-社會 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Language ideologies of Korean mothers with preschool-aged children: comparison, money, and early childhood English education Mun Woo Lee Korea 1/9/2020
科學-社會 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development Attitudes and identities in learning English and Chinese as a lingua franca: a bilingual learners’ perspective Mr Jim Chan Hong Kong 21/2/2018
科學-社會 Journal of Management Information Systems Cyberbullying on Social Networking Sites: The Crime Opportunity and Affordance Perspectives Dr Christy Cheung Hong Kong 14/6/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies We May Be Different, but I Can Help You: The Effects of Leaders’ Political Skills on Leader–Follower Power Distance Value Incongruence and Withdrawal Behavior Dr Shengming Liu China 29/8/2016
科學-社會 Journal of Language, Identity & Education Motivations of Chinese Learners of Japanese in Mainland China Dr Leining Lv China 5/1/2018
科學-社會 Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development Unpacking the “political-institutional complex”: The role of physical and institutional infrastructures in Indonesia’s decentralization reform Dr Wai-Hang Yee Hong Kong 2/3/2018
科學-社會 Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism The antecedents of workplace fun in the hospitality industry: A qualitative study Mr Simon Chan Hong Kong 19/6/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management The effect of anticipated emotional labor on hotel employees’ professional mobility Dr Lisa Gao Hong Kong 25/10/2018
科學-社會 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management Perceived technology affordance and value of hotel mobile apps: A comparison of hoteliers and customers Dr Dan Wang    Hong Kong 3/11/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research Turning Hotel Employees Into Brand Champions: The Roles of Well-Connected Leaders and Organizational Identification Dr Wilco Chan   Hong Kong 30/11/2017
科學-社會 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research Economic Impact Assessment of Mega-Events in the United Kingdom and Brazil Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 6/5/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research Effect of Commercial Neighbors on The Online Popularity of Peer-To-Peer Accommodation-Sharing Properties Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 19/3/2020
科學-社會 Journal of Homosexuality The Politics of Sexual Citizenship: Negotiating Acts of Citizenship Among Non-Heterosexuals in Hong Kong Dr Ka-ki Chan   Hong Kong 20/9/2018
科學-社會 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education What Can Educators Do to Better Prepare Women for Leadership Positions in the Hospitality Industry? The Perspectives of Women Executives in Hong Kong Dr Basak Denizci Guillet Hong Kong 22/2/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Global Health Integrated multisectoral non-communicable disease prevention and control in China: A review of agencies and policies Professor Xinhua Li China 28/7/2020
科學-社會 Journal of Gambling Studies Segmenting Chinese Gamblers Based on Gambling Forms: A Latent Class Analysis Dr Lawrence Fong Macau 19/7/2019
科學-社會 Journal of Gender Studies ‘I’m about to get my tamp on.’ Framing tampons in We Media promotion posts targeting Chinese females Dr Yi Mou China 30/7/2018

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