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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
科學-物理 Journal of Physics Communications First-principles DFT investigations of the vibrational spectra of chloro-quine and hydroxychloroquine Peng  Zhang  China 12/10/2021
科學-物理 Composites Science and Technology Determination of mode I interlaminar fracture toughness of composite by a wedge-insert double cantilever beam and the nonlinear J integral Wu  Xu  China 20/1/2021
科學-物理 ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Heptacyclic S,N-Heteroacene-Based Near-Infrared Nonfullerene Acceptor Enables High-Performance Organic Solar Cells with Small Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital Offsets Jie  Zhang  China 6/11/2020
科學-物理 New Journal of Physics Density functional theory studies of hydrogen bonding vibrations in sI gas hydrates Peng  Zhang  China 21/9/2020
科學-物理 Resources, Conservation and Recycling Iron-enhanced primary sedimentation and acidogenic sludge fermentation to achieve self-sufficient organic carbon supply for enhanced nutrient removal in wastewater treatment Xiao-yan  Li  Hong Kong 17/10/2020
科學-物理 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids What happens to glass fiber under extreme chemical conditions? Dan Xing China 4/8/2020
科學-醫療 BMC Cancer Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 enzymes with experience of vasomotor, vaginal and musculoskeletal symptoms among breast cancer patients: a systematic review Ka Ming  Chow  Hong Kong 18/5/2021
科學-醫療 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing Synchronized research on endothelial dysfunction and microcirculation structure in dorsal skin of rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus Vera Ying  He  China 29/4/2021
科學-醫療 Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark The global, regional, and national burden of laryngeal cancer and the attributable risk factors in all countries and territories during 2007–2017 Liyuan  Han  China 1/12/2021
科學-醫療 Asian Annals Outcomes of emergency or urgent mitral valve repair in patients with papillary muscle rupture and active infective endocarditis Jun Li China 16/9/2020
科學-醫療 Frontiers in Physiology Sulprostone-Induced Gastric Dysrhythmia in the Ferret: Conventional and Advanced Analytical Approaches John  Rudd  Hong Kong 8/1/2021
科學-醫療 Frontiers in Psychiatry Association Between Behavioral Dysexecutive Syndrome and the Health-Related Quality of Life Among Stroke Survivors Gabor  Ungvari  Australia 8/9/2020
科學 -生命 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Isoflavone biomarkers are inversely associated with atherosclerosis progression in adults: a prospective study Zheqing  Zhang  China 11/3/2021
科學 -生命 Food Research International Proteolysis, lipolysis, texture and sensory properties of cheese ripened by Monascus fumeus Guangqiang  Wang  China 3/9/2020
科學 -生命 Chemico-Biological Interactions Resveratrol inhibits matrix metalloproteinase-1 and -3 expression by suppressing of p300/NFκB acetylation in TNF-α-treated human dermal fibroblasts Ying-Jung  Chen  China 27/1/2021
科學 -生命 Current Zoology Masquerading predators deceive prey by aggressively mimicking bird droppings in a crab spider Daiqin  Li  Singapore 24/7/2021
科學 -生命 Avian Research Dietary analysis of the House Swift (Apus nipalensis) in Hong Kong using prey DNA in faecal samples King Ming  Chan  Hong Kong 3/2/2021
科學 -生命 Mediators of Inflammation The Impact of Nutrients, Dietary Components and Derivatives on the Gut Microbiota and Inflammation-Related Diseases, from Molecular Basis to Therapy Shuai  Chen  China 5/8/2020
科學 -生命 Marine Pollution Bulletin Fish and crustacean biodiversity in an outer maritime estuary of the Pearl River Delta revealed by environmental DNA Chi Chiu  Cheang  Hong Kong 13/10/2020
科學、地球與太空 Agricultural Water Management Evaluation of 18 models for calculating potential evapotranspiration in different climatic zones of China Yong  Yang  China 5/10/2020

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