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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
工商管理與經濟學 Finance Research Letters The impact of COVID-19 on industry-related characteristics and risk contagion QI  Zhou   China 12/1/2021
工商管理與經濟學 International Journal of Hospitality Management Strategic target customers of food and beverage offerings in full-service hotels: Outside-hotel customers Sung Gyun  Mun  Hong Kong 22-Jan
工商管理與經濟學 Emerging Markets Review CEO given names and corporate green investment Fansheng  Jia  China 27/2/2021
工商管理與經濟學 Insurance: Mathematics and Economics COVID-19 and credit risk: A long memory perspective Hoi Ying  Wong  Hong Kong 7/2/2022
工商管理與經濟學 Tourism Management How being envied shapes tourists’ relationships with luxury brands: A dual-mediation model Wenting  Feng  China 6/5/2021
工商管理與經濟學 Journal of Small Business Management The social and economic outputs of SME-GSI research collaboration in an emerging economy: An ecosystem perspective Mariana  Andrade  Mariana  Andrade  16/6/2022
工商管理與經濟學 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management What drives cross-border acquisitions of hotel companies based in an emerging economy? A study on Chinese hotel corporations Lorraine  Zhang  Hong Kong 7/11/2021
工商管理與經濟學 Journal of Banking & Finance Intra-industry information transfer in emerging markets: Evidence from China Rita  Yip  Hong Kong 2/5/2022
工商管理與經濟學 Asia Pacific Journal of Management Green finance and outward foreign direct investment: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment of green insurance in China Qiuping  Chen  China 3/1/2021
工商管理與經濟學 Production and Operations Management Financing an Agricultural Supply Chain with a Capital-Constrained Smallholder Farmer in Developing Economies Amanda Yulan  Wang Hong Kong 7/1/2021
科學-社會 Journal of Family Issues Couples’ Relative Resources, Male Power, and Relationship Conflict from a Comparative Perspective M. José  González  Spain 3/7/2021
科學-社會 Ageing & Society Are active labour market policies effective for the older unemployed? A meta-evaluation Miguel  Malo  Spain 1/9/2021
科學-社會 Annals of the American Association of Geographers Urban Spatial Organization, Multifractals, and Evolutionary Patterns in Large Cities Huang  Bo  Hong Kong 19/11/2020
科學-社會 Journal of the British Veterinary Association Comparing veterinary students’ and practitioners’ perceptions of communication in a bilingual context Jack  Pun  Hong Kong 16/6/2021
科學-社會 Chinese Sociological Review Can neighborhoods protect residents from mental distress during the COVID-19 pandemic? Evidence from Wuhan Jia  Miao  Hong Kong 24/9/2020
科學-社會 Cities Changes in local travel behaviour before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong Nan  Zhang  Hong Kong 11/2/2021
科學-社會 Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal China Adolescents Comparisons on Social Media and Emotional Eating: A Moderated Analysis Ningning  Ding  China 12/3/2021
科學-社會 Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics The Great Chinese Famine (1959–1961) and farm households’ adoption of technology: evidence from China Xiangpo  Chen  China 21/7/2021
科學-社會 Current Issues in Tourism Examining the effect of potential tourists’ wine product involvement on wine tourism destination image and travel intention Lifang  Liang  China 9/10/2020
科學-社會 China Perspectives Political Consumerism in Hong Kong: China’s Economic Intervention, Identity Politics, or Political Participation? Mathew Yee Hang  Wong  Hong Kong 11/5/2021

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