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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Modeling the interactions of pedestrians and cyclists in mixed flow conditions in uni- and bidirectional flows on a shared pedestrian-cycle road Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 7/2/2020
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Integrated railway timetable rescheduling and dynamic passenger routing during a complete blockage Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 28/11/2020
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological A robust approach to airport gate assignment with a solution-dependent uncertainty budget Dr Liang Xu China 28/10/2017
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Two-phase optimal solutions for ship speed and trim optimization over a voyage using voyage report data Dr Shuaian Wang Hong Kong 19/2/2019
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Voluntary carbon offset and airline alliance Dr Xiaowen Fu Australia 4/1/2019
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological A multiple type bike repositioning problem Dr W.Y. Szeto China 6/8/2016
工程、建築與設計 Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering Investigations on the principle of full decoupling and type synthesis of 2R1T and 2R parallel mechanisms Dr Yundou Xu China 17/12/2018
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Social equity-based timetabling and ticket pricing for high-speed railways Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 28/5/2020
工程、建築與設計 Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering Investigations on the principle of full decoupling and type synthesis of 2R1T and 2R parallel mechanisms Dr Yundou Xu China 17/12/2018
工程、建築與設計 Transactions in GIS A reliable traffic prediction approach for bike‐sharing system by exploiting rich information with temporal link prediction strategy Ms. Yanxi Li China 7/3/2019
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Numerical investigation and development of design formula for cylindrically curved plates on ships and offshore structures Dr Jung Kwan Seo Korea 22/8/2018
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Numerical investigation and development of design formula for cylindrically curved plates on ships and offshore structures Dr Jung Kwan Seo Korea 22/8/2018
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Behaviour of SHS brace-H-shaped chord T-joints under cyclic in-plane bending Professor Hongjun Liang China 10/9/2018
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Behaviour of SHS brace-H-shaped chord T-joints under cyclic in-plane bending Professor Hongjun Liang China 10/9/2018
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Ultimate strength of tubular T-joints reinforced with doubler plates after fire exposure Mr Xingquan Guan   China 20/9/2018
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Ultimate strength of tubular T-joints reinforced with doubler plates after fire exposure Mr Xingquan Guan   China 20/9/2018
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Nonlinear structural behaviour and design formulae for calculating the ultimate strength of stiffened curved plates under axial compression Dr Jung Kwan Seo South Korea 31/5/2016
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Nonlinear structural behaviour and design formulae for calculating the ultimate strength of stiffened curved plates under axial compression Dr Jung Kwan Seo South Korea 31/5/2016
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Hysteretic behaviour of SHS brace-H-shaped chord T-joints with transverse stiffeners Dr Xinze Guo China 13/11/2017
工程、建築與設計 Thin-Walled Structures Hysteretic behaviour of SHS brace-H-shaped chord T-joints with transverse stiffeners Dr Xinze Guo China 13/11/2017

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