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學科 雜誌 發表論文 作者 發布日期
工程、建築與設計 Waste Management & Research Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions from waste management approaches in the islands Professor Ivy Chen    Taiwan 28/5/2017
工程、建築與設計 Waste Management Potential for energy recovery and greenhouse gas mitigation from municipal solid waste using a waste-to-material approach Dr Ivy Chen Taiwan 9/10/2016
工程、建築與設計 Waste Management Effects of urbanization on municipal solid waste composition Professor Ivy Chen Taiwan 8/2/2018
科學-物理 Vacuum Electron emission and structure stability of carbon nanotube cold cathode driven by millisecond pulsed voltage Dr Yu Zhang China 14/11/2019
計算、數學與統計 User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Personalizing recommendation diversity based on user personality Ms Carrie Wu Hong Kong 26/7/2018
科學、地球與太空 Urban Climate Investigation of the meteorological effects of urbanization in recent decades: A case study of major cities in Pearl River Delta Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 9/11/2018
科學、地球與太空 Urban Climate Evaluation of uWRF performance and modeling guidance based on WUDAPT and NUDAPT UCP datasets for Hong Kong Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 28/4/2019
科學、地球與太空 Urban Climate Remote sensing of urban thermal environments within local climate zones: A case study of two high-density subtropical Chinese cities Dr Yong Xu China 28/11/2019
科學-物理 Trends in Food Science & Technology Structural changes of starch subjected to microwave heating: A review from the perspective of dielectric properties Professor Daming Fan China 3/4/2020
工程、建築與設計 Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics Numerical and experimental study of route choice behaviour using an impatience-determined model Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 26/10/2019
科學-物理 Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Bootstrap standard error estimations of nonlinear transport models based on linearly projected data Professor S.C. Wong Hong Kong 9/12/2018
工程、建築與設計 Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Train rescheduling in a major disruption on a high-speed railway network with seat reservation Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 2/4/2021
工程、建築與設計 Transportmetrica A: Transport Science Train rescheduling in a major disruption on a high-speed railway network with seat reservation Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 2/4/2021
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Researh Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Carrot/stick mechanisms for collection responsibility sharing in multi-tier closed-loop supply chain management Professor Wenbin Wang China 4/1/2019
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Researh Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Carrot/stick mechanisms for collection responsibility sharing in multi-tier closed-loop supply chain management Professor Wenbin Wang China 4/1/2019
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Data analytics in managing aircraft routing and maintenance staffing with price competition by a Stackelberg-Nash game model Dr Xiaowen Fu Australia 12/11/2018
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Data analytics in managing aircraft routing and maintenance staffing with price competition by a Stackelberg-Nash game model Dr Xiaowen Fu Australia 12/11/2018
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Shipping network design in a growth market: The case of Indonesia Professor Xiaowen Fu Hong Kong 10/10/2017
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Shipping network design in a growth market: The case of Indonesia Professor Xiaowen Fu Hong Kong 10/10/2017
工程、建築與設計 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Modeling the interactions of pedestrians and cyclists in mixed flow conditions in uni- and bidirectional flows on a shared pedestrian-cycle road Dr. SC Wong Hong Kong 7/2/2020

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