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我们为香港、中国大陆以及亚洲和世界各地的500 多所大学的客户进行润色,而且数字每天还在增加。

学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
人文学科 PLOS ONE Music training is associated with cortical synchronization reflected in EEG coherence during verbal memory encoding Professor Mei-Chun Cheung Hong Kong 30/3/2017
法律与法理学 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion Jediism: Religion at Law? Mr Tommy Cheung Hong Kong 5/6/2019
教育 New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development Young Chinese Children's Academic Skill Development: Identifying Child-, Family-, and School-Level Factors Dr Xiao Zhang Hong Kong 1/7/2019
教育 Online Information Review A bibliometric analysis of emergency management using information systems (2000-2016) Dr Samuel Chu Hong Kong 14/8/2017
教育 Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning I know how it feels: how online mentors help pre-service teachers negotiate practicum tensions in the third space Dr Cheri Chen Hong Kong 13/4/2020
人文学科 Meta Mediated and Marginalised: Translations of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature in Spain (1949-2010) Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta    Hong Kong 18/12/2018
法律与法理学 Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy Lost in 'Culturation': medical informed consent in China (from a Western perspective) Dr Vera Lucia Raposo Macau 28/3/2018
法律与法理学 Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology Extraterritoriality of the Regulations and Interconnections of the Derivatives Market: Legal Implications for East and Southeast Asia Professor Christopher Chen  Singapore 9/1/2017
教育 Medical Education Online Does online learning work better than offline learning in undergraduate medical education? A systematic review and meta-analysis Dr Hongbin Wu China 17/9/2019
法律与法理学 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law The CJEU’s ruling in the Novartis Farma case: Money, health and medicines Dr Vera Lucia Raposo Macau 4/2/2020
教育 Learning, Design, and Technology Exploring Immersive Language Learning Using Virtual Reality Dr Gary Wong Hong Kong 8/7/2018
教育 Library & Information Science Research UPCC: A model of plagiarism-free inquiry project-based learning Dr Samual Chu Hong Kong 2/1/2021
教育 Language Teaching Research Content familiarity, task repetition and Chinese EFL learners’ engagement in second language use Dr Yuen Yi Lo Hong Kong 25/12/2016
教育 Learning and Individual Differences Letter-name knowledge longitudinally predicts young Chinese children's Chinese word reading and number competencies in a multilingual context Dr Xiao Zhang Hong Kong 13/6/2018
教育 Language Teaching for Young Learners Disambiguating recasts with prosodic and extra-linguistic cues in task-based interactions among young learners Dr Amy Kong Hong Kong 17/9/2019
教育 Language Teaching Research The effectiveness of guided inductive instruction and deductive instruction on semantic radical development in Chinese character processing Dr Chun Lai Hong Kong 10/9/2018
教育 Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics “Sleeping Beauties” in English Classrooms: The English Divestment of Korean High School Students Professor Mun Woo Lee   South Korea 9/1/2017
人文学科 Journalism  Melodramatic animation in crime news and news information learning Dr Janet Lo Hong Kong 30/5/2018
法律与法理学 Juris Poiesis – Qualis B1 Sons of a Minor God: Use of Reproductive Techniques by Single People and Gay Couples Dr Vera Lucia Raposo Macau 26/12/2017
教育 Journal of School Psychology Subjective well-being is reciprocally associated with academic engagement: A two-wave longitudinal study Professor Ronnel King Hong Kong 29/5/2018