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学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
科学-社会 Journal of East Asian Studies Framing as an Information Control Strategy in Times of Crisis Dong  Zhang  Hong Kong 3/3/2022
科学-社会 Journal of Interpersonal Violence Elder Abuse and Neglect in China: Prevalence, Co-occurrence, and Intergenerational Risk Factors Mengtong  Chen  Hong Kong 8/1/2021
科学-社会 Industrial Management & Data Systems Online disinhibition: conceptualization, measurement, and implications for online deviant behavior Christy  Cheung  Hong Kong 22/10/2020
科学-社会 Growth and Change The characteristics of urban governance in China: Evidence from best practices in the Yangtze River Delta Region Zitao  Chen  China 25/3/2022
科学-社会 International Journal of Hospitality Management The impact of exploitative leadership on frontline hospitality employees’ service performance: A social exchange perspective Michael Kwan Ho  Kwong  China 21/5/2021
科学-社会 Social Science Research Couples’ self-control and marital conflict: Does similarity, complementarity, or totality matter more? Adam  Cheung Ka lok  Hong Kong 30/8/2021
科学-社会 Science of The Total Environment Escaping to nature during a pandemic: A natural experiment in Asian cities during the COVID-19 pandemic with big social media data Yi  Lu  Hong Kong 27/2/2021
科学-社会 International Journal of Intercultural Relations SIEs motivational CQ on job satisfaction: A two-study examination of power distance and role clarity Feng  Wei  China 2/12/2020
科学-社会 Identity Ethnic Identity, Chinese National Identity, and Intergroup Attitudes of Adolescents from an Ethnic Autonomous Region in China Tao  Guan  China 5/7/2021
科学-社会 Media International Australia More than business: The de-politicisation and re-politicisation of TikTok in the media discourses of China, America and India (2017–2020) Dianlin  Huang  China 20/5/2021
科学-社会 Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services How customer experience incongruence affects omnichannel customer retention: The moderating role of channel characteristics Wei  Gao  China 12/2/2021
科学-社会 International Relations China’s bid for international leadership in Central and Eastern Europe: role conflict and policy responses Weiqing  Song  Macau 17/3/2022
科学-社会 China & World Economy Farmers' Exit from Land Operation in Rural China: Does the Price of Agricultural Mechanization Services Matter? Tongwei  Qiu  China 25/4/2021
科学-社会 Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management Anthropomorphism and customers’ willingness to use artificial intelligence service agents Xingyang  Lv  China 2/7/2021
科学-社会 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly The Impact of Tourist–Robot Interaction on Tourist Engagement in the Hospitality Industry: A Mixed-Method Study Shujie  Fang  China 17/6/2021
科学-社会 Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management From good feelings to good behavior: Exploring the impacts of positive emotions on tourist environmentally responsible behavior Xiang  Huang  China 12/12/2021
科学-物理 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Principles and advancements in improving anaerobic digestion of organic waste via direct interspecies electron transfer Ying  Xu  China 19/6/2021
科学-物理 Journal of Energy Chemistry Metal-organic framework-derived carbon nanotubes with multi-active Fe-N/Fe sites as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for zinc-air battery Xiao-yan  Li  Hong Kong 16/8/2021
科学-物理 Nature Communications Quantum theory of the nonlinear Hall effect Lu  Hai-Zhou  China 19/8/2021
科学-物理 The Innovation Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Revealed by Interfacial Charge-Transfer Transitions Shan  Cong  China 13/10/2020

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