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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 发布日期
心理学 Deviant Behavior The Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong: Psychosocial Risk Factors and Hong Kongers’ Attitudes toward Violence Oliver Chan Hong Kong 7/7/2021
心理学 PLOS ONE The effect of employees’ sense of power on supervisors’ voice endorsement: A cross-level moderated mediation model Yuan Cheng China 10/7/2021
心理学 Stress & Health Smartphone use after work mediates the link between organizational norm of connectivity and emotional exhaustion: Will workaholism make a difference? Hai Jiang Wang China 13/7/2021
心理学 International Journal of Hospitality Management To speak up or stay silent? How employee–supervisor value differences affect speaking up behavior in the hospitality industry Shudi Liao China 25/5/2021
心理学 Frontiers in Psychology Category Exemplar Production Norms for Hong Kong Cantonese: Instance Probabilities and Word Familiarity Hsu-Wen Huang Hong Kong 8/9/2021
心理学 Journal of Managerial Psychology Servant leadership and employee voice: A moderated mediation Michael Kwan Ho Kwong China 29/6/2021
护理与健康科学 Health & Social Care in the Community Engaging community-dwelling older adults as co-developers in a public outdoor exercise facilities-based physical activity education intervention: A mixed-method participatory study in Hong Kong Lok Chun Janet Lee Hong Kong 24/10/2021
护理与健康科学 Journal of Advanced Nursing The effect of felt trust from patients among nurses on attitudes towards nursing service delivery Jie Wang China 8/7/2021
护理与健康科学 BMC Public Health Perceptions, behaviours and attitudes towards smoking held by the male partners of Chinese pregnant women: A qualitative study William Li Hong Kong 20/10/2021
护理与健康科学 Supportive Care in Cancer Psychological interventions for enhancing resilience in parents of children with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis William Li Hong Kong 15/6/2021
护理与健康科学 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Translation and validation of the Traditional Chinese version of the COmprehensive Score for financial Toxicity-Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (Version 2) Vivian Wu Hong Kong 1/8/2021
护理与健康科学 Health & Place Dose-response effect of a large-scale greenway intervention on physical activities: The first natural experimental study in China Yi Lu Hong Kong 1/1/2021
人文学科 Learned Publishing Politics matters: The power dynamics behind Chinese English-language humanities and social science journals Ying Huang China 22/12/2020
人文学科 British Journal of Religious Education Making sense of religion: A qualitative inquiry into students’ conceptions of religion in two Chinese regions Zhenzhou Zhao Hong Kong 1/12/2021
人文学科 Journal of English for Academic Purposes “I found it very special and interesting”: Evaluative language in Master's thesis defenses in Taiwan universities Chia-Yen Lin Taiwan 20/7/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Magazine of Concrete Research Noniterative formulae for torsional precracking responses and torsional strengths in prestressed concrete members Chyuan Hwan Jeng Taiwan 23/12/2022
工程、建筑与设计 IEEE Xplore Efficient Topology of Multilevel Clustering Algorithm for Underwater Sensor Networks Hussain Albarakati USA 22/4/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Powder Technology Discrete element modeling of the compression molding of polymer–crystal composite particles Bo Zhou China 24/5/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Yield and port performance shipping allocation model for revamp service deployments under a dynamic trading landscape Eugene Wong Hong Kong 7/12/2021
工程、建筑与设计 Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing An enhanced sequential sensor optimization scheme and its application in the system identification of a rail-sleeper-ballast system Heung Fai LAM Hong Kong 7/3/2021

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