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주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Medical Environment International Veterinary antibiotics in food, drinking water, and the urine of preschool children in Hong Kong Dr Wen Jing Deng  Hong Kong 7/9/2017
Sciences, Life Environmental Geochemistry and Health Antibiotic distribution, risk assessment, and microbial diversity in river water and sediment in Hong Kong Dr Wen Jing Deng Hong Kong 29/3/2018
Sciences, Medical Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine How job stress influences job performance among Chinese healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study Mr Jianwei Deng China 5/1/2019
Sciences, Medical Environmental Health Perspectives Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter, Blood Pressure, and Incident Hypertension in Taiwanese Adults Professor Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 18/1/2018
Sciences, Life Environmental Pollution Could benthic biofilm analyses be used as a reliable proxy for freshwater environmental health? Dr Olivier Habimana Hong Kong 24/5/2019
Sciences, Life Environmental Pollution Seasonal variation and the distribution of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in various matrices affected by algae in the eutrophic water environment of the pearl river delta, China☆ Professor King Ming Chan Hong Kong
Sciences, Life Environmental Pollution Triphenyl phosphate modulated saturation of phospholipids: Induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation☆ Mr. Wenxin Hu China 1/4/2020
Sciences, Life Environmental Pollution Effects of two juvenile hormone analogue insecticides, fenoxycarb and methoprene, on Neocaridina davidi Professor King Ming Chan Hong Kong 5/7/2019
Sciences, Medical Environmental Pollution Long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with platelet counts in adults Professor Xiang Qian Lao Hong Kong 10/5/2018
Sciences, Life Environmental Research Emissions of fine particulate nitrated phenols from various on-road vehicles in China Dr. Xinfeng Wang China 28/8/2019
Sciences, Life Environmental Science & Technology Letters Effects of Dietary Selenium Supplementation on Intestinal Barrier and Immune Responses Associated with Its Modulation of Gut Microbiota Dr Qixiao Zhai China 26/11/2018
Sciences, Life Environmental Toxicology Copper nanoparticle‐induced uterine injury in female rats Dr Shifu Hu China 16/12/2018
Sciences, Medical Epidemiology & Infection Probable transmission routes of the influenza virus in a nosocomial outbreak Ms Vicky Xiao Hong Kong 6/5/2018
Sciences, Medical Current Pharmaceutical Analysis Simultaneous Determination of 17 Constituents of Chinese Wild Radix Salvia miltiorrhiza from Different Geographical Areas by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Dr Xiaodan Zhang China 14/11/2018
Sciences, Life Contraception Antifertility effectiveness of a novel polymer matrix composite and its influence on the endometrium in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) Dr Shifu Hu China 10/4/2019
Sciences, Medical Clinical Nutrition Experimental Disturbed eating tendencies, health-related behaviors, and depressive symptoms among university students in Korea Dr Youjin Je  South Korea 19/3/2018
Sciences, Medical Clinical Nutrition Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of the effects of probiotics on functional constipation in adults Dr Chengcheng Zhang China 14/1/2020
Sciences, Medical BMC Medical Education Does academic interest play a more important role in medical sciences than in other disciplines? A nationwide cross-sectional study in China Dr. Hongbin Wu China 5/8/2019
Sciences, Medical BMC Medical Education Facilitating learning of community-based rehabilitation through problem-based learning in higher education Prof. Eva Chung Hong Kong 21/11/2019
Sciences, Life Cell Death & Disease Ricolinostat (ACY-1215) suppresses proliferation and promotes apoptosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma via miR-30d/PI3K/AKT/mTOR and ERK pathways Dr Jinlin Cao  China 26/7/2018