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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Social Human Resource Management Journal Selecting people based on person-organisation fit: Implications for intrateam trust and team performance Prof. Zhixue Zhang China 15/6/2020
Sciences, Social Human Resource Management The effects of negative mentoring experiences on mentor creativity: The roles of mentor ego depletion and traditionality Prof. Michael Kwan Ho Kwong China 6/8/2021
Sciences, Social HERMES – Journal of Language and Communication in Business When the Translator Does More than Translate: A Case Study of Translator Roles in a Digital Publishing Initiative Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta Hong Kong 22/12/2018
Sciences, Social Health & Place Using street view data and machine learning to assess how perception of neighborhood safety influences urban residents’ mental health Dr Yi Lu China 8/7/2019
Sciences, Social Habitat International Strategies for risk management in urban–rural conflict: Two case studies of land acquisition in urbanising China Dr Ann Yu Hong Kong 29/11/2016
Sciences, Social Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice Team emotion diversity and performance: The moderating role of social class homogeneity Professor Jiping Li Hong Kong 6/1/2018
Sciences, Social Government and Opposition Selectorate Theory in Hybrid Regimes: Comparing Hong Kong and Singapore Dr Mathew Wong Hong Kong 4/6/2017
Sciences, Social Governance Isolated counties, administrative monitoring, and the misuse of public funds in China Dr Yiping Wu   Hong Kong 23/4/2019
Sciences, Social Globalization and Health Assessment of the health status and health service perceptions of international migrants coming to Guangzhou, China, from high-, middle- and low-income countries DrRemina Maimaitijiang China 25/1/2019
Sciences, Social Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape Land management issues in China’s rural areas Professor Weidong Qu   China 14/5/2017
Sciences, Social Geopolitics Geopolitics of Toponymic Inscription in Taiwan: Toponymic Hegemony, Politicking and Resistance Dr Dennis Hui Hong Kong 26/12/2017
Sciences, Social Gender and Education Research agendas of female and male academics: a new perspective on gender disparities in academia Dr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 7/12/2020
Sciences, Social Geoheritage Using Tourism Carrying Capacity to Strengthen UNESCO Global Geopark Management in Hong Kong Dr Shanshan Chung Hong Kong 13/10/2017
Sciences, Social FORUM. Revue internationale d’interprétation et de traduction / International Journal of Interpretation and Translation Disfluency in relay and non-relay simultaneous interpreting Dr Andrew Cheung Hong Kong 26/7/2019
Sciences, Social Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions A preliminary consequential evaluation of the roles of cultures in human rights debates Dr Benedict Chan Hong Kong 17/5/2019
Sciences, Social Flavour and Fragrence Journal Characterization of major odor-active compounds responsible for nutty flavor in Cheddar cheese according to Chinese taste Dr. Chen Chen China 11/1/2020
Sciences, Social Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions Revisiting the relationship between economic growth and inclusive development Dr Muk Yan Wong Hong Kong 16/5/2019
Sciences, Social Family Relations Money Management and Gender Equality: An Analysis of Dual-Earner Couples in Western Europe Ms Beyda Cineli Spain 22/6/2020
Sciences, Social Facilities Policy, implementation and management of the inclusive design of open space for visually impaired persons Professor Michael Siu Hong Kong 4/1/2019
Sciences, Social European Sociological Review The Role of Gender Stereotypes in Hiring: A Field Experiment Prof. M. Jose Gonzalez Spain 30/1/2019

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