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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Social International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health How Abusive Supervision Affects Employees’ Unethical Behaviors: A Moderated Mediation Examination of Turnover Intentions and Caring Climate Dr Feng Wei China 29/10/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Occupational Stress and Its Economic Cost in Hong Kong: The Role of Positive Emotions Prof. Oi Ling Siu Hong Kong 19/11/2020
Sciences, Social International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health PM2.5 Concentrations and Subjective Well-Being: Longitudinal Evidence from Aggregated Panel Data from Chinese Provinces Mr Pan Zhang China 29/3/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Commuting Mode Choice in a High-Density City: Do Land-Use Density and Diversity Matter in Hong Kong? Dr Yi Lu Hong Kong 5/4/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management The ties that bind: stakeholder collaboration and networking in local festivals Professor Sam Kim    Hong Kong 6/11/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Disaster Risk Science Post-disaster Psychosocial Capacity Building for Women in a Chinese Rural Village Ms Jocelyn Lau Hong Kong 20/5/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management Modelling productivity shocks and economic growth using the Bayesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium approach Professor Haiyan Song Hong Kong 11/12/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management “What is beautiful we book”: hotel visual appeal and expected service quality Dr Ksenia Kirillova Hong Kong 19/3/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management Chinese travelers’ preferences for hotel amenities Professor Deniz Kucukusta    Hong Kong 7/10/2017
Sciences, Social International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management Workplace sexual harassment, workplace deviance, and family undermining Dr Hong Zhu China 2/11/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management CSR communication strategies and stakeholder engagement of upscale hotels in social media Professor Deniz Kucukusta Hong Kong 13/5/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management The influence of social interactions on senior customers’ experiences and loneliness Professor Haiyan Song   Hong Kong 13/8/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management The effects of mentoring on hotel staff turnover Dr Yuting Wang China 14/10/2019
Sciences, Social International Journal of Conflict Management Effects of CEO humility and relationship conflict on entrepreneurial performance Dr. Feng Wei China 19/5/2020
Sciences, Social International Journal of Communication Emoticon, Emoji, and Sticker Use in Computer-Mediated Communication: A Review of Theories and Research Findings Ms Ying Tang Hong Kong 25/11/2018
Sciences, Social International Journal of Conflict Management Exploring the relationship between entrepreneurial failure and conflict between work and family from the conservation of resources perspective Ms. Alisa Meng China 5/8/2020
Sciences, Social International Journal of Business and Society Beyond consensus: a review of delphi research published in Malaysian social science journals Mr Chang-hee Kim    Singapore 1/3/2018
Sciences, Social Injury Prevention Rethinking safety in numbers: are intersections with more crossing pedestrians really safer? Mr Pengpeng Xu Hong Kong 27/10/2017
Sciences, Social Information Technology & People The effects of moral disengagement and organizational ethical climate on insiders’ information security policy violation behavior Mr Hao Chen China 8/5/2019
Sciences, Social Identity, Policy, and Prosperity  Economic Reforms, De-ethnicization, and the Survival of Identity Dr Jeongwon Park   Hong Kong 8/12/2017

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