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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Education Teaching and Teacher Education Teacher agency and identity commitment in curricular reform Dr Xuesong Gao Hong Kong 26/1/2017
Education Teaching and Teacher Education Choose your strategy wisely: Examining the relationships between emotional labor in teaching and teacher efficacy in Hong Kong primary schools Professor Hongbiao Yin Hong Kong 5/2/2017
Education Teaching and Teacher Education What really counts? Investigating the effects of creative role identity and self-efficacy on teachers’ attitudes towards the implementation of teaching for creativity Dr Xianhan Huang Hong Kong 15/5/2019
Education Teachers and Teaching Leading with teachers’ emotional labour: relationships between leadership practices, emotional labour strategies and efficacy in China Professor Hongbiao Yin    Hong Kong 14/8/2018
Education Teachers and Teaching How can professional learning communities influence teachers’ job satisfaction? A mixed-method study in China Prof. Jia Zhang China 19/8/2019
Education Teachers and Teaching How do teachers learn together? A study of school-based teacher learning in China from the perspective of organisational learning Dr Xiaolei Zhang China 17/10/2017
Education System Disciplinary variations in learning styles and preferences: Implications for the provision of academic English Dr Ken Lau   Hong Kong 21/12/2018
Education Teacher Development  Teacher self-efficacy in cultivating students to become ‘good citizens’: a Hong Kong case Dr Linnie Wong   Hong Kong 13/12/2018
Education Studies in Higher Education  The relationship between competition and programmatic diversification Mr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 29/1/2018
Education System A longitudinal case study of changes in students’ attitudes, participation, and learning in collaborative writing Dr Colin Yu Macau 22/3/2019
Education Studies in Higher Education Inequality and access to elite universities in China: reexamining the interacting multiple capitals model Mrs. Yanan Zhang Hong Kong 1/8/2020
Education Studies in Higher Education Organisational factors and academic research agendas: an analysis of academics in the social sciences Dr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 5/6/2019
Education Student Learning, Childhood & Voices English language testing of very young children: The case of Japan Ms Ruriko Otomo Hong Kong 18/7/2016
Humanities Studies in Documentary Film Sino-Canadian documentary coproduction: transnational production mode, narrative pattern and theatrical release in China Ms. Shan Tong   Hong Kong 10/6/2018
Education Structural and Institutional Transformations in Doctoral Education PhD Students’ Self-Perception of Skills Acquired During Their PhD and Plans for Their Postdoctoral Careers: A Joint Analysis of Doctoral Students at Three Flagship Universities in Asia Dr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 31/3/2020
Law & Jurisprudence SSRN ASEAN Financial Integration and ‘One Belt, One Road’: Legal Challenges to and Opportunities for China in Southeast Asia Professor Christopher Chen Singapore 13/3/2019
Law & Jurisprudence SSRN Legal Environment and Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from State Tax Codes Professor Wayne Thomas   USA 19/6/2019
Education Scientometrics An instrument to measure individuals’ research agenda setting: the multi-dimensional research agendas inventory Dr Hugo Horta Hong Kong 25/6/2016
Education Sport, Education and Society Landscape of secondary physical education teachers’ professional development in South Korea Professor Okseon Lee South Korea 29/4/2019
Education Schools Positive Emotional Experiences in Teaching, Teacher Identity, and Student Behaviors: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Dr Kwok Kuen Tsang China 9/1/2018

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