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We edit for clients at over 500 universities in Hong Kong, mainland China and further through Asia and the world, with more adding to that number every day.

주제 저널 논문 저자 지역 발행일자
Sciences, Physical ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Improved Efficiency of Polymer Solar Cells by Modifying the Side Chain of Wide-Band Gap Conjugated Polymers Containing Pyrrolo[3,4-f]benzotriazole-5,7(6H)-dione Moiety Dr Lei Ying China 22/6/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Acta Mechanica Sinica Experimental and numerical study of the effect of pulsatile flow on wall displacement oscillation in a flexible lateral aneurysm model Dr Lizhong Mu China 9/6/2019
Sciences, Physical ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces High-Performance Ternary Organic Solar Cells with Controllable Morphology via Sequential Layer-by-Layer Deposition Mr Guichuan Zhang China 21/2/2020
Sciences, Earth & Space Acta Astronautica Personal value diversity in confinement and isolation: Pilot study results from the 180-day CELSS integration experiment Ms Qianying Ma China 7/12/2019
Computing, Maths & Statistics ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems A Latent Space Modeling Approach to Interfirm Relationship Analysis Professor Mike So Hong Kong 1/12/2021
Engineering, Architecture & Design ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Spatial Configuration of Extracellular Organic Substances Responsible for the Biogas Conversion of Sewage Sludge Dr Ying Xu    China 28/5/2018
Sciences, Physical ACS Photonics Dynamic Phonon Manipulation by Optomechanically Induced Strong Coupling between Two Distinct Mechanical Resonators Mr Jianguo Huang   Singapore 7/8/2019
Sciences, Physical ACS Applied Energy Materials Tuning Sulfur Doping for Bifunctional Electrocatalyst with Selectivity between Oxygen and Hydrogen Evolution Ms Xue Cui China 22/10/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Improving the Electroluminescent Performance of Blue Light-Emitting Polymers by Side-Chain Modification Dr. Ting Guo China 30/1/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design ACS Applied Energy Materials Fiber-Shaped Electrochemical Capacitors Based on Plasma-Engraved Graphene Fibers with Oxygen Vacancies for Alternating Current Line Filtering Performance Dr Yagang Yao China 2/4/2019
Sciences, Physical Journal of Materials Chemistry A Solvent-free synthesis of a 2D biochar stabilized nanoscale zerovalent iron composite for the oxidative degradation of organic pollutants Dr Shi-Jie Yuan China 25/2/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Atmosphere Effects of Aerosols on Radiative Forcing and Climate Over East Asia With Different SO2 Emissions Dr Xiaoning Xie China 28/7/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design Accident Analysis & Prevention Occupant-level injury severity analyses for taxis in Hong Kong: A Bayesian space-time logistic model Professor SC Wong    Hong Kong 20/9/2017
Education Vocations and Learning Investigating the Role of Cognitive Feedback in Practice-Oriented Learning for Clinical Diagnostics Dr Minhong Wang Hong Kong 23/10/2019
Education Values and Valuing in Mathematics Education Values in Mathematics Learning: Perspectives of Chinese Mainland Primary and Secondary Students Dr Qiaoping Zhang Hong Kong 25/4/2019
Law & Jurisprudence Trusts & Trustees Secret trusts and testamentary freedom Mr Tommy Cheung Hong Kong 13/7/2019
Humanities Translation Studies Indirectness in literary translation: Methodological possibilities Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta Hong Kong 3/9/2017
Education Thinking Skills and Creativity Mapping the factors influencing creative teaching in mainland China: An exploratory study Dr Xianhan Huang Hong Kong 11/6/2018
Education Thinking Skills and Creativity Developing individual creativity for environmental sustainability: Using an everyday theme in higher education Dr Vivian Cheng Hong Kong 5/9/2019
Humanities The Translator Characteristics of a digital literary translation publisher: revisiting Bourdieu’s mapping of the publishing field Dr Maialen Marin-Lacarta Hong Kong 11/10/2018

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