Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Ocean Research CFD-based multi-objective optimisation of S60 Catamaran considering Demihull shape and separation Ms. Aiqin Miao China 2/3/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Energy Robust optimal design of zero/low energy buildings considering uncertainties and the impacts of objective functions Professor Shengwei Wang Hong Kong 8/8/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied materials and interfaces High-Performance and Ultraflexible Aqueous Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries Developed by Constructing All Binder-free Electrode Materials Dr. Yagang Yao China 14/5/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Energy Performance improvement of an ejector cooling system with thermal pumping effect (ECSTPE) by doubling evacuation chambers in parallel Dr Yong Cheng China 12/3/2016
Sciences, Physical Applied Clay Science Calcination-induced changes in structure, morphology, and porosity of allophane Dr Peixin Du China 4/5/2018
Sciences, Physical Applied Energy Dynamic control strategy for the electrolyte flow rate of vanadium redox flow batteries Dr Menglian Zheng    China 26/7/2017
Sciences, Physical Applied Energy Novel dynamic forecasting model for building cooling loads combining an artificial neural network and an ensemble approach Dr Eric Lee Hong Kong 19/7/2018
Sciences, Physical Applied Clay Science Novel hierarchically porous allophane/diatomite nanocomposite for benzene adsorption Dr Liangliang Deng China 17/11/2018
Sciences, Physical Applied Clay Science Effects of calcination and acid treatment on improving benzene adsorption performance of halloysite Dr Liangliang Deng China 24/7/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Applied Clay Science Fenton-like catalytic degradation of tetracycline by magnetic palygorskite nanoparticles prepared from steel pickling waste liquor Dr. Eric Tsang Hong Kong 27/8/2019
Sciences, Physical Applied Clay Science Changes in the structure and porosity of hollow spherical allophane under alkaline conditions Mr Shun Wang China 10/4/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Applied Clay Science Methane hydrate formation in the stacking of kaolinite particles with different surface contacts as nanoreactors: A molecular dynamics simulation study Dr. Yun Li China 1/9/2020
Sciences, Physical Applied Catalysis B: Environmental Enhanced reductive debromination and subsequent oxidative ring-opening of decabromodiphenyl ether by integrated catalyst of nZVI supported on magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles Dr Eric Tsang Hong Kong 7/5/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Energy A review of correlations and enhancement approaches for heat and mass transfer in liquid desiccant dehumidification system Mr Tao Wen Hong Kong 2/8/2019
Sciences, Physical Appita : Technology, Innovation, Manufacturing, Environment Strength improvement of dry-formed paper by spraying of dry strength agent and hot pressing Professor Hak Lae Lee South Korea 3/1/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics Annals of Applied Probability Central limit theorems of a recursive stochastic algorithm with applications to adaptive designs Dr Li-Xin Zhang China 15/12/2016
Sciences, Physical Annals of Clinical Biochemistry: International Journal of Laboratory Medicine Negative interference by rheumatoid factor in alpha-fetoprotein chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay Dr Yirong Li China 4/11/2016
Sciences, Physical Annals of GIS Comparison of vegetation regeneration after wildfire between Mediterranean and tundra ecosystems by using Landsat images Ms Rongrong Li Hong Kong 17/1/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Energy Optimal blade pitch function and control device for high-solidity straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbines Professor You-lin Xu Hong Kong 29/3/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Energy A hybrid DMST model for pitch optimization and performance assessment of high-solidity straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbines Professor You-lin Xu Hong Kong 5/8/2019
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