Publication Successes

トピック領域 Journal Published Paper 投稿者 From Publication Date
Sciences, Earth & Space Atmosphere Determination of Semivolatile Organic Nitrates in Ambient Atmosphere by Gas Chromatography/Electron Ionization–Mass Spectrometry Dr Xinfeng Wang China 19/2/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Automation in Construction Image-driven fuzzy-based system to construct as-is IFC BIM objects Mr Sanghoon Lee Hong Kong 4/5/2018
Sciences, Earth & Space Atmosphere Difference in PM2.5 Variations between Urban and Rural Areas over Eastern China from 2001 to 2015 Dr Jimmy Fung China 8/10/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Automation in Construction Technical requirements of age-friendly smart home technologies in high-rise residential buildings: A system intelligence analytical approach Dr Johnny Wong Hong Kong 11/8/2016
Sciences, Earth & Space Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences Impact of Synoptic Weather Types on Ground-Level Ozone Concentrations in Guangzhou, China Dr Shengzhen Zhou China 3/12/2020
Engineering, Architecture & Design Atmospheric Environment The significance of incorporating unidentified vessels into AIS-based ship emission inventory Dr Jimmy Fung Hong Kong 2/6/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Automation in Construction BIM-based method calculation of auxiliary materials required in housing construction Mr Haitao Wei China 2/7/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Atmosphere Heterogeneous Uptake of N2O5 in Sand Dust and Urban Aerosols Observed during the Dry Season in Beijing Dr Men Xia Hong Kong 18/4/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Architecture and Culture Chikan’s Arcade Buildings: The Hybrid and Civil Architecture of Lingnan Dr Henri Tung    Hong Kong 12/11/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Thermal Engineering Theoretical and experimental study of a synchronal rotary multiphase pump at very high inlet gas volume fractions Dr Xu Yang China 31/8/2016
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Thermal Engineering Computational fluid dynamics of steam flow in a turbine control valve with a bell-shaped spindle Professor Yingzheng Liu China 24/10/2017
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Thermal Engineering Estimation of soil and grout thermal properties for ground-coupled heat pump systems: Development and application Dr Gongsheng Huang Hong Kong 18/7/2018
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Thermal Engineering Comparative analysis of U-pipe location on the sizing of borehole heat exchangers Dr Linfeng Zhang Hong Kong 1/9/2019
Engineering, Architecture & Design Applied Thermal Engineering Effects of natural gas, ethanol, and methanol enrichment on the performance of in-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) spark-ignition natural gas engine Dr Lei Zhu China 6/4/2019
Sciences, Earth & Space Arabian Journal of Geosciences Prediction analysis model for groundwater potential based on set pair analysis of a confined aquifer overlying a mining area Dr Shouqiao Shi   China 2/7/2019
Sciences, Physical Applied Surface Science AFM and DFT study of depression of hematite in oleate-starch-hematite flotation system Ms Lixia Li China 3/6/2019
Sciences, Physical Applied Surface Science Analysis of surface adsorption kinetics of SiH4 and Si2H6 for deposition of a hydrogenated silicon thin film using intermediate pressure SiH4 plasmas Dr Ho Jun Kim South Korea 19/8/2019
Sciences, Physical Applied Surface Science Biosynthesized iron nanoparticles in aqueous extracts of Eichhornia crassipes and its mechanism in the hexavalent chromium removal Dr Eric Tsang Hong Kong 13/12/2016
Sciences, Physical Applied Surface Science Through-thickness thermal conductivity enhancement of graphite film/epoxy composite via short duration acidizing modification Dr Han Wang China 13/2/2018
Computing, Maths & Statistics Applied Soft Computing A suite of swarm dynamic multi-objective algorithms for rebalancing extremely imbalanced datasets Professor Yunsick Sung South Korea 23/11/2017
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